Looking skinny


9 Years
Jul 19, 2010
South-west Idaho
I've got a little Cochin hen who's been slowly looking worse & worse over the winter. She used to be a little ball of fluff, so you could hardly tell where her body ended & her tail started! But recently, I've noticed that she's a lot skinnier - she's no longer fluffy. She is shedding feathers like crazy (stupid bird doesn't know its winter!) But I was watching her with the other girls (I've only got 4) and she's obviously the bottom of the pecking order (no signs of actual pecking, though
When she's eating, if the other birds come close to her, she takes a few steps away & waits until they leave before she eats - so she misses all the sunflower seeds & other treats. When I try to feed her separately, the other birds come running, so that scares her away. I can't easily catch her - she was raised in a hatchery for the first 10-12 months and is really skittish around people. I thought about trying to catch her & separating her to make sure she gets enough food, but the stress of being chased will be rough on her & the last time I separated a bird (for 1 mo after dog attack), the other birds attacked her when she was re-introduced. She's never laid any eggs (as far as I can tell). I just don't want to see her slowly starve to death if that's what is happening, or maybe she's just losing all her feathers during a molt & that is why she looks skinnier.... I'll try to get a picture of her today when I get off work.
Could be a few things.
She could have lice/mites, worms or she may be very low in the pecking order and is not getting enough to eat.
How can I tell if she's got worms? I use DE in their coop for mites & in their dust-bathing areas. They all free-range, so I can't really tell who's poop is who's....

How can I make sure she's getting her fair share? I'm sure that she's foraging like the other birds, but she doesn't get the egg shells when I toss them out or the BOSS because both are limited & the other girls are larger & more aggressive (and more willing to be around me). She's always been the bottom of the pile, but lately, it seems like its getting worse.

Would you suggest catching her & isolating her for a little while?

I'm just worried about her since she's not as "fluffy" as she was when we brought her home last May/June, and I don't know if she's losing more than just feathers from a typical molt. I also am worried that maybe she's egg-bound or something, two of the other girls are laying already, but I don't know what symptoms to look for with the egg-bound and she's never laid anything in the past, so there may be something wrong internally....

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