Looking to Buy Gouramis Later On


Aug 14, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone. Sometime this spring I am going to buy a few giant gouramis. I am aware of how big they get and the ongoing care. Experienced fish-keepers, do you think a 5-gallon is adequate for a pair? Also, I am having trouble finding a seller. I have checked on eBay and Amazon but have not had much luck. Do you know of a fish site that sells large fish such as these? I am willing to take adults or babies. How do I sex them, and what fish would you recommend as tankmates? They have a placid nature so would angelfish or oscars be good? Thank you all, and please share any tips or useful advice on caring for them!
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From my understanding they get to be 18-28 inches. They can live 20 years and would require a 125 gallon tank or bigger for a pair. You would be better off getting some smaller gourami varieties. I think they would eventually eat Angel fish. I haven't owned them so I'd be curious what others would say.
From my understanding they get to be 18-28 inches. They can live 20 years and would require a 125 gallon tank or bigger for a pair. You would be better off getting some smaller gourami varieties. I think they would eventually eat Angel fish. I haven't owned them so I'd be curious what others would say.

A 55-gallon is too small? Would it be big enough to accommodate oscars?
A 55-gallon is too small? Would it be big enough to accommodate oscars?
Many people don't realize just how large giant gourami fish are, not just in length, but they have a very wide girth/width as well. For this species, the bigger the better, you're talking 300 hundred gallons for one mature GG. Yes, it's a lot, so unless you can accommodate them properly, probably best to start with something smaller.
A 55-gallon is too small? Would it be big enough to accommodate oscars?
I think I read that a single Oscar could be kept in a 55 but a pair would be better in a 75 gallon. They put out a lot of waste like goldfish so you need good filtration and large water changes on a regular basis. I personally enjoy my large goldfish as they are easy to keep compared to sensitive tropicals.

I haven't kept oscars either as I read they can be troublemakers when bored, and are known to break heaters and ransack the tank decorations.
Oscars also get big and are aggressive. They make good pets, have some personality but are usually kept solo.

Check out: The Raleigh Aquarium Society (RAS), It’s a 40 year old aquarium club. You will get all the info you need and meet some really great fish keepers.

A 5 gallon tank is not suitable for any Gouramis even dwarfs
Oscars also get big and are aggressive. They make good pets, have some personality but are usually kept solo.

Check out: The Raleigh Aquarium Society (RAS), It’s a 40 year old aquarium club. You will get all the info you need and meet some really great fish keepers.

A 5 gallon tank is not suitable for any Gouramis even dwarfs

I meant 55-gallon. :)

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