Looking to Change the Law in Hurst, Texas


9 Years
Dec 13, 2010
Here in Hurst, ownership, as I found out the hard was a year after moving here, states that you may only own fowl if you live on a tract of land that is 40,000 Square Feet or larger.
I found this out when animal control came to my door one day, months after my flock was established and thriving, and told me that I had three days to get rid of them or they would be taken.
In the end, all of my chickens found new homes, but now I'm fighting back.
I've started a campaign to change the code of ordinances to allow Backyard chickens a place in Hurst.
We're looking for support from everywhere, so if you have a moment please sign my petition.
It just takes a minute of your time and it helps us tremendously!


And if you have any advice on who to talk to and what else I should do, feel free to chip in!! Every little bit helps~
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Found your petition when trying to find out if Hurst allows chickens (we're looking for a home between Dallas and Fort Worth). I signed it and hope it gets passed whether or not we end up in Hurst.
Everyone on this site should sign this! I Signed, Very moving story. I applaud your action. too many people lose their flocks to laws that just are not right. and then do nothing to change them. Too many people just go to the store and totally disconnect themselves to how those eggs they're buying are made. the conditions you outlined for the poor hens are too true. at least in home flocks we now how our animals are treated, what they are fed, and that our eggs are healthy. thank you for your effort. CHICKENS FOR EVERYONE!
-signing! We petitioned our council, and can now have backyard flocks! Denton, Lewisville, and Corinth in North Texas are now "chicken friendly". Other towns need to do the same!
-close. Corinth permits 4 chickens with some restrictions regarding housing. It is found in the UDC on the city website. I believe that Denton permits 8 chickens without the restrictive language pertinent to coops/housing.
Here in Hurst, ownership, as I found out the hard was a year after moving here, states that you may only own fowl if you live on a tract of land that is 40,000 Square Feet or larger.
I found this out when animal control came to my door one day, months after my flock was established and thriving, and told me that I had three days to get rid of them or they would be taken.
In the end, all of my chickens found new homes, but now I'm fighting back.
I've started a campaign to change the code of ordinances to allow Backyard chickens a place in Hurst.
We're looking for support from everywhere, so if you have a moment please sign my petition.
It just takes a minute of your time and it helps us tremendously!


And if you have any advice on who to talk to and what else I should do, feel free to chip in!! Every little bit helps~

Find out who is on the city council. Google there names usually they say stuff about them self and you might be surprised to find one or two that grew up on a small farm. (That your target) allies that will help from the inside. Get to know them if they own a business go there and talk to them (not about chickens) and get on a friendly basis. ..... if all that is not available to you. You should be able to speak with the council and say "Mr Jones when you grew up on the farm was there any issues with your chickens making noise after dark to where it kept you awake all night. When he answers no hammer him and ask why you can't have them. Have all your fact and figures to...Good luck
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