Looking to get a parrot. Advice needed =)

Any day I am going to be a grandmother for the second time I cant wait.
cockatails are amazing so funny and yet so loving, when or if you get one, if you get two at the sametime they more then likely will bond to each other but if you get one then later on after you bond with your cockatail, you can get another one.they will be bonded to you, yet they can be buddy's to each others.I have breeder pair (cockatails) that loves to play and be loved on by me.they can be nesting sitting on eggs and let me pet them or check on their eggs, they trust me as a flock leader.
Do your research, look for a breeder near you, make sure they don't only feed the babys but show them lots of love. I spend many hours showing theses cute little birds that a human is part of the flock. Or look to see if someone needs a new home for there cockatails.
I don't have any advice for you, but have you looked up indian ringneck parakeets on Youtube? There's a really cute one named Marnie that made me want one, but I'm planning on getting a cockatiel instead because we're trying for a baby, so for the same reasons Ladybird said about kids. Later in life like after our future kids are older, I might revisit the idea of an indian ringneck.

I'm hoping to get my Cockatiel(maybe two) for my birthday in June of next year, only if all of my rabbits are spayed and neutered by then and living together so my ferret nation will be empty for the bird, and if I'm not "knocked up" before then. :p
Yes I have seen that parrot!! I'd love to get one of those as well. He's incredibly cute!! They are very expensive out here and I'd probably get one from a good breeder as a baby rather than an adult someone can't take care of. I do very much enjoy having 10 fingers! LOL

I will be getting the little conure named "Taco". He/she (unsexed) is very much a love bug and loves to just be loved by anyone. Might be a good first bird experience
Don't underestimate a cockatiel!

I finished hand feeding and weaned my Cornelius.

I taught her, not a boy, to wolf whistle, and she has made up a few 3-4 note tunes.She even knows her name.

She is a velcro bird, feels my SO is her mate (which we discourage) and that I'm "mom" to run to if anything is scary. Other than us two, she does not like strangers, even our parents or the other birds or hamsters. She hears us coming back from work and will scream and scream to greet us. She eats at the table and knows where she can and cannot go.That said, her self control is weak, so even if she knows she is not to do something, if you are not looking, she will try to get away with it, and if caught, will go run away and hide. She even knows "bed time" means "play keep away" until "dad" shows up... then fun and games are over and into the cage she goes without a fuss. LOL

They can be taught tricks too. Tricks she can do are step up, step down, fly up/come, "go" to where you point, will poop on command, will spin, go through a hoop, step onto a mini skate board and my favorite, play fetch. All tricks require treats of course. LOL.

She even knows how to forage. You may think that is natural, but I think most caged birds don't innately have the skill. She will chew through paper and dig through beads to get at food even when she has pellets in an open dish!

I find my tiel very satisfying as a bird. Even though fancy birds look so awesome to have, all birds have tantrums. Corn ball will throw tantrums and has a beak as big as I want to deal with when it comes to bird tantrums. And also, she does ok being left all weekend in her cage if necessary for conferences and work. A larger bird this just can't be done. Corn ball is not happy and is like glue when you get back from an extended day, but does know how to play by her self with toys and treats in her cage.

I think they are underrated as pets, and as such, are too often just left in a cage to be watched. Corn ball gets free roam when we are home.
Someone around the corner from me is selling a cockatiel for $20, I'm thinking of buying it, but I really wanted to plan better and get one that is tame. How hard is it to tame one? Silkiechicken, yours sounds like a lot of fun!
Looks like you got some good advice here already. I didn't read through all of it so I hope I am not repeating stuff that was already said.

I highly recommend checking out parrot rescues. Also, go in with an open mind. Don't go looking for one particular type of parrot. Rather, let the bird choose YOU. I would have never guessed before working at a parrot sanctuary that I would attract cockatoos rather than macaws, but before working there I always fancied macaws. Also, you may go in looking for an indian ringneck and for example, ignore an african grey who wants your attention.

It would be great if you could find a sanctuary nearby that would be willing to let you volunteer a bit before adopting. That way you can really interact with available birds and see which one you get along best with. You may be surprised what types of birds choose you! Owning a bird that is compatible with you makes parrot ownership much more enjoyable in the long run.
Thank you all for your great suggestions!!
I'm going to a somewhat local parrot club meeting on Sunday and am excited to meet people and their experiences. I've been doing a lot of research about feeding and care and what not but I think the hands on experience would be great before investing time and $$ on a bird that may not even like me!
I'm open to whatever parrot ends up "owning" me. There are so many different great breeds and they're all beautiful so I'd be happy with whatever.
Thanks! I'll be doing more research before getting one. My husband and I would both love to have one but we need to make sure we're ready for it. Researching will help and I might be able to find someone close by that could help me get some exposure to them some more before making a choice.
You can not get one for both of you. like someone else said they are one person birds. my dad had an African Gray, he loved my dad. hated everyone else. he would let anyone get him off the perch, then bit and fly to my dad. just remember one of you will have a pet parrot the other an enemy
It isn't always true that parrots are one person birds. There are many birds at the sanctuary who cuddle with anybody. They are just hams. Of course, they may like one person a little better, but that doesn't mean they are nasty to everyone else. That's why it's best to have everyone in the household go when choosing a bird. In fact, there was one bird who preferred strangers over her owner because she knew when the owner took her from the stranger, she would go back in her cage! This bird (A goffin 'too) LOVED men, but she was very loving to me as well. Also, knowledgeable people who own sanctuaries/rescues will usually try to help as best as they can to pair you up with a bird that will work for you. Just because these birds are in a rescue does NOT mean they all have issues. A lot of people just give them up because they don't have time or they are too loud. Some birds do have issues, but most bird people I have met are pretty honest about the issues because they don't want the bird to end up back in the rescue. Don't turn away birds that may have plucking problems either. They may be ugly, but many times they have the sweetest personalities and often desire attention and affection which can translate into an incredibly cuddly bird.

Also, be prepared for some personality changes as a new bird settles into a new home. It's best to talk to someone who has known the bird for a while so they know his personality well. Birds tend to be very friendly when they go to a new home, but some can settle into mean ways after they get used to their surroundings. We had one bird who was the sweetest thing when we brought him to the sanctuary. I have pictures of him sitting on my shoulder (I don't recommend letting parrots sit on shoulders). Not long after we brought him to the sanctuary, he turned into an absolute devil. He would fly off cages and attack people. He bit my finger really bad when I wasn't paying attention while cleaning his cage. His owner had told the sanctuary owner that he was mean, and we didn't believe it when he came because he was so sweet!
Silkiechiken, is so right with cockateils, I have a blast with mine, I have many and each one is different.I got two that are Velcro, Pepper is my necklace, Buttons is always into trouble but when she gets in trouble she is on my shoulder glued to me lol.:)
I would let my birds out, 15 of them, if I was in the kitchen, they knew that I was making them something, every single one was in with me (on the floor, wings clipped) they were begging like dogs with those puppy eyes waiting for their treat, lol then they follow me with plate in hand, to their sheet that was put down just for them, eating enjoying themselfs.
If they are quiet you just know that they are into something that THEY KNOW ITS A NO NO LOL, but no means try again later, when you are not watching them at that moment.
They are very loving, I have one named Chocolate, she will bite if she is not being petted, even to strangers, its a must to her to be loved.I thought I was the only crazy person to let them eat with family's dinner table and yes perfect table manners was a must.:D
I have so many funny stories just sharing my life with cockateils.
Chickerdoodle, you are so right, so many birds needs forever homes. I rescued a macaw (long story) but I knew her three years before I took her home, she is so loving, hardly yells, lol but she talks a lot which I just love, her past was humans screaming at her to a kid poking sticks in her cage. She does not like men due to her past. I love her so much.
Even Grey's can be a family member, it all depends on the training of social inter action with humans as a flock :)
So decided to get a lovebird!
Here's some pictures

This is "Little Blue" or "baby blue bird" as my 3 year old calls him/her. Will be getting Blue DNA sexed at some point to maybe find a friend later on. Blue is almost 3months old and we got him/her from a really great lovebird breeder in the area. Blue is VERY tame and I'm really happy I started out with a little bird
Blue is going to be very spoiled!!

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