
Jun 17, 2023
I've heard it referenced before that people have kept quail in the bottoms of aviaries that house various species of parrots.

My question is, how do you keep the birds safe bacteria wise? Do you need to introduce them as chicks? Do they share lethal disease like I've heard chickens and quail can?

I have two parrots right now and I don't plan to house them will the quail, but i did think of i someday hatch chicks, my parrots would get a kick out of meeting the babies. Both of them go so silly whenever they hear baby noises in any bird species. I also love the idea of being able to build one mega aviary that the quail live in, and i can bring the parrots out to play in.

I otherwise plan to keep them entirely separate and wash up well before handling one one the other. Different tools for each area. I'm prepared to build a separate aviary for each species.
I wouldn't recommend keeping them together. They are different birds that need different things. Most parrot species can also be aggressive and could hurt or kill the quail
Both good points, however i will say that aggression is incredibly dependent on individual birds. A lot of well raised, socialized parrots are very friendly even with other species, hence why some people have successfully kept them in one giant aviary together. (And why you see those cringe photos and videos of cats cuddling parrots. Good way to get your parrot killed ;n; not just from cat chomp, but the bacteria they have in their saliva is incredibly deadly to birds.)

Beak shape and size also matters. I don't care how friendly they are with each other, i would never let a quail live with an African grey, Amazon, or macaw. A ringneck makes me nervous, pretty much any of the hook bills, they can do so much damage in one bite if they are able to get past a mouthful of feathers. I could see introducing very friendly smaller parrots.

I usually see people keeping them together talk of budgies, parakeets, finches (not a parrot ofc but still a common bird to see in aviaries) or love birds. I found one reference to someone who keeps theirs with those, but also with conures and Indian ringnecks.

That's not the situation i want personally, the quail still make all the mess of a ground bird and i don't feel like trying to stage things so the parrots above don't just poop on everything for the quail below. 😂

I'm more interested in knowing if the parrots can safely (bacteria wise, aggression is something i am very prepared to deal with, prevent, and have experience with in birds) be introduced before the quail go to live outside, and if the parrots could ever come fly in an aviary run the quail also occupy,  or if i have to be worried about them getting each other sick once i have to move the quail indoors into the garage for the coldest weeks of our winter.

I don't want them to LIVE in the same space, but incubation of eggs and hatching of chicks would take place indoors, and daytrips tho go play in the aviary and work on flight training would be awesome.

The Quail during winter would be in the garage, which is attached to our house where the parrots live. Would washing my hands and changing clothes if needed be enough to keep all of them safe between handling and cage maintenance?
Lots of people successfully keep quail with parrots in aviaries. I like the idea but wouldn't keep mine together because I am more concerned about possible agression from the quail (I keep valley quail, very different to other quail).
There is certainly risk of transferring things from each, but I don't know how high that risk is, personally I would think it's similar to the risk you take by introducing another parrot?
I would think incubating and/or aquiring chicks would lessen the risks because they've been exposed to much less then if they were adult. After that if they're kept outside I'd think they would be exposed to the same things your parrots would be if you took then outside.
My quail aviary is located a few meters from one of my parrot aviaries, I practice basic hygiene and don't worry about it too much.
What each person consider acceptable risks with their pets will vary. Some won't take the risks of contact with wild birds for their parrots by keeping them in outdoor aviaries. To me that risk is outweighed by the health benefits from fresh air, sunlight, and constant adequate space.
Hello, I have a HUGE aviary and I've found that the only problem with keeping coturnix and California Valley Quail I'm an aviary with parrots like budgies and Cockatiels is actually pretty easy. All you need is a feeder that the birds can't get to and to keep an eye on any roos you have. I dad a younger budgie die from a male being too agressive with it. I can send photos, I also have tons of hides, logs, and taller grass for the quail! And the most important part is that I have a pond that the birds drink from. I clean it every other week and to stop mosquitos and algea I have snails and minnows naturally living and breeding in there. I did months of research and I've created a perfect ecosystem. In the roof I actually have vines growing in and out of the roof and some of it is hanging from the ceiling. This allows for the birds to hide and roost and there plenty of food as I have three feeder for the parrots, finches, and doves.

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