My Jumbo quail roo is injured on his backside, kind of to his left.

Israel. I am usually reluctant to say so...someone inevitably makes comments. I'm a member of a group that studies the Grand Solar Minimum...and when friends of mine in Israel, not Jewish, Armenian, post about weather in Israel, he gets comments. But I'll make an exception here and see how it goes.
I don't care about any of that.
I just wanted to know to see if I was familiar with any feeds in your area and I am not but I am going to look now.
Israel. I am usually reluctant to say so...someone inevitably makes comments. I'm a member of a group that studies the Grand Solar Minimum...and when friends of mine in Israel, not Jewish, Armenian, post about weather in Israel, he gets comments. But I'll make an exception here and see how it goes.
Are you familiar with this company?
Looks like they sell turkey feed which might be better for young quail.
Israel. I am usually reluctant to say so...someone inevitably makes comments. I'm a member of a group that studies the Grand Solar Minimum...and when friends of mine in Israel, not Jewish, Armenian, post about weather in Israel, he gets comments. But I'll make an exception here and see how it goes.
Sorry about your AI problems these past few years - I understand they were culling huge populations of otherwise protected water fowl in an effort to get it under control. Not that we here in the US are responsible for that outbreak - just that as the EU strain tore through our flocks last year, we can commiserate together.

and thanks for offering that - it helps identify what ingredients may be more (or less) available to you than we enjoy here. Some good research coming out of the Mediterranean basin right now, though mostly on variant calcium sources and some lofal ingredients (like Teff).
Sorry I’m late! 😂

Raising quail in an aviary setting is a bit different than a commercial cage setting like myshire. I copied the link to my video for Coturnix Corner and Terry actually built an aviary based on my setup that he shows in other videos on his channel. Those may be helpful for you.

I was a bit confused by the actual dimensions of your setup, but basically you want the square meters of ground space minus feeders and “furniture” when determining the space per bird. It sounds like your numbers/ratio is good for your space. Do they have hiding/laying areas to escape unwanted attention from the other birds? Is it “predator proofed” for safety and away from critters that could cause undue stress? Even in an ideal situation, you can always end up with a butthole bird (male or female) that picks on another bird and once one is injured, others may join in and gang up on it.
Okay, first, about your injured quail. Pictures will give us a much better idea of how he got injured and how bad it is.

Second, MyShire is a commercial breeder who stuffs his birds in until they are so crowded that they can't be aggressive with each other because they can barely move. Don't get me wrong, I like Zack. He's a good person and he's always treated people right. If you are a hobbyist and you care about the happiness of your birds, you want to give them a minimum of 1 square foot per bird. The 3 square feet that you have is even better. Make sure they have plenty of hiding places, and you will probably not see much aggression with the three males that you have in there.

With your setup, I would put two separate feeders and two separate waterers in there. That way if you do have some quail that are feuding they won't be able to keep others from getting food and water.

As for your feed, if you can't find a game bird feed, you may want to see if you can find turkey feed. I will disagree with @Kiki a bit on chicken layer feed. It will keep your birds alive, but if you want best health and best chance of healthy chicks, you want something closer to 20% protein. She is absolutely right about treats, though. Anything that feed that is not a balanced feed is a treat. Black soldier fly larvae are not as fatty as mealworms and they also contain calcium.
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Sorry I’m late! 😂

Raising quail in an aviary setting is a bit different than a commercial cage setting like myshire. I copied the link to my video for Coturnix Corner and Terry actually built an aviary based on my setup that he shows in other videos on his channel. Those may be helpful for you.

I was a bit confused by the actual dimensions of your setup, but basically you want the square meters of ground space minus feeders and “furniture” when determining the space per bird. It sounds like your numbers/ratio is good for your space. Do they have hiding/laying areas to escape unwanted attention from the other birds? Is it “predator proofed” for safety and away from critters that could cause undue stress? Even in an ideal situation, you can always end up with a butthole bird (male or female) that picks on another bird and once one is injured, others may join in and gang up on it.
Okay, first, about your injured quail. Pictures will give us a much better idea of how he got injured and how bad it is.

Second, MyShire is a commercial breeder who stuffs his birds in until they are so crowded that they can't be aggressive with each other because they can barely move. Don't get me wrong, I like Zack. He's a good person and he's always treated people right. If you are a hobbyist and you care about the happiness of your birds, you want to give them a minimum of 1 square foot per bird. The 3 square feet that you have is even better. Make sure they have plenty of hiding places, and you will probably not see much aggression with the three males that you have in there.

With your setup, I would put two separate feeders and two separate waterers in there. That way if you do have some quail that are feuding they won't be able to keep others from getting food and water.

As for your feed, if you can't find a game bird feed, you may want to see if you can find turkey feed. I will disagree with @Kiki A bit on chicken layer feed. It will keep your birds alive, but if you want best health and best chance of healthy chicks, you want something closer to 20% protein. She is absolutely right about treats, though. Anything that feed that is not a balanced feed is a treat. Black soldier fly larvae are not as fatty as mealworms and they also contain calcium.
Thanks guys!:bow
The 3 square feet that you have is even better. Make sure they have plenty of hiding places, and you will probably not see much aggression with the three males that you have in there.

With your setup, I would put two separate feeders and two separate waterers in there. That way if you do have some quail that are feuding they won't be able to keep others from getting food and water.
^^^ this. Abundance is a social lubricant. When a needed commodity is in short supply, or access can be controlled easily by a dominant individual, animals tend to behave badly - true for birds, true for dogs, true for humans.
I said already I don't agree with how many birds he chooses to house together. Not very many people here keep quail like that.
I didn't see your reply on Zacks bird per sq.ft. recommendation until just now. He insists that having too few quail, less than 3 per sq.ft. will cause territorial issues. But in my situation, it would make having quail completely incompatible. In an aviary set-up, what would you recommend? I've read for Jumbo Cotournix, 1 quail per 3.5 sq.ft.
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I don't care about any of that.
I just wanted to know to see if I was familiar with any feeds in your area and I am not but I am going to look now.
That's great. But there seems to always be one person that is triggered and just can't resist, so we'll see. I don't live in the center of the country...I live in an outlying area where services and supplies are limited. However, there are excellent pet food suppliers in the bigger cities who deliver for free or a nominal cost. Maybe the same goes for livestock suppliers.

Years ago I kept, 9 goats, 80 chickens, 12 mean geese, and 6 ducks. Sourcing for feed, hay etc was often a challenge because the country tends to centralize, catering to larger herds, flocks etc. Having said that, if you find someone, I'll give them a call.
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