Loophole Allows Chickens

i guess im not sure why the article is calling it a 'loophole'....many cities (even big ones) allow chickens...its a hold over from the days when EVERYONE had a little flock to help sustain their families. glad my neighbors are far far away. i strongly dislike dufuses (or would it be dufi?)
I think a lot of people associate keeping chickens with poverty and/or immigrants-- like "we don't have to keep chickens anymore"-- does that make sense? They think they are dirty & smelly & low class. It's sad, really.
Here's a link to our local newspapers story about the chickens:


Check out the comments at the bottom! We live in a ridiculous city. The mentality here is very backward!
"PROGRESS" has ruined multiple generations!!
Amy J.
Ok, I read all the comments. And.. I'm shocked actually. How can keeping a few chickens 'devalue' the community?

LOL, I did think it was wonderful that there were so many smart, educated supporters. I particularly liked the one where the poster talked about the smell in the city from sewage, and the sound of barking dogs. I agree, how can the chickens compete with THAT?? And I LOVE the fact that the chicken owner is a doctor!!

Wow, what a sad world we live in. Next people will be complaining about veggie gardens and lawns. "All that grass.. it's devaluing our neighborhood! How about a ton of hardscaping and little rocks instead? And really, all plants should be kept in POTS." <sorry to anyone who has a garden exclusively made up of hardscape and rocks.. I just don't see it as much of a garden... But to each his own.>

My neighbor is different. She looked down on us for planting a garden. She said she would never use a tiller and mess around in the dirt. It is low class. I lost it. I told her it isn't low class. It's fun, educational, healthy, etc. They went so far as to sit out on their little porch and watch me and the kids plant the gardens. She called and said now you have to take care of it. She said she liked the food I had given her in years past from my garden and she didn't mind me doing a garden but she would never do it. Then she added she wouldn't mind getting stuff again from my garden. It'll be a cold day in you know where before I'll give her anything from my garden ever again. We did get too many radishes this year so I had my oldest take a bag of them down the road past her house to another neighbor. I told him don't you dare give her any!

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