LOS ANGELES county CA under bird quarantine :(

I agree you can do so on your property. Why the friends? If you have a recording you won't need witnesses. If you were going to a place where tensions were high, the larger the crowd the worse it can be. Especially when those people don't just shut up and let the state folks do their jobs.

I'm not defending the state or the workers treatment of the animals, but the public is far from innocent.

Because I felt more comfortable with friends there than just myself and it lends transparency to an adversarial process. Since SOB started going FB live, the kills they have captured have gotten less egregious because they know people are videoing. And while they have to let the kill squads do their jobs, they don't have to shut up about it. CHP, which these "state folks" bring out to protect them, has told them that in fact people are free to protest them. Them being merely embarrassed by the protest does not give them the right to drop appointments and get unnecessary warrants. There's the birds, they're by the gate, and whether there are ladies with iphones present is not their damn business. They can keep their appointments and do their jobs.
Because I felt more comfortable with friends there than just myself and it lends transparency to an adversarial process. Since SOB started going FB live, the kills they have captured have gotten less egregious because they know people are videoing. And while they have to let the kill squads do their jobs, they don't have to shut up about it. CHP, which these "state folks" bring out to protect them, has told them that in fact people are free to protest them. Them being merely embarrassed by the protest does not give them the right to drop appointments and get unnecessary warrants. There's the birds, they're by the gate, and whether there are ladies with iphones present is not their damn business. They can keep their appointments and do their jobs.

What is necessary and what isn't all depends on which side of the line you're standing on. I don't see the need to have 50 of my facebook acquaintances show up at my house because I can't open the door all by myself and tell the kill squad the bodies are in the bio bags and have a reasonable conversation like a big girl.
They sat on their hands and did NOTHING for an entire year! Sorry, but the whole operation is a botch job. As quickly as they can? No, as quickly as they can obtain grant money and wait for it to get worse.

When this first appeared do you know when they killed all of the birds at a poultry facility. Or did they even do that?
What is necessary and what isn't all depends on which side of the line you're standing on. I don't see the need to have 50 of my facebook acquaintances show up at my house because I can't open the door all by myself and tell the kill squad the bodies are in the bio bags and have a reasonable conversation like a big girl.

And that's your right, IgorsMistress. I would never say otherwise. But if these people want to have fb friends there, it's their right.
When this first appeared do you know when they killed all of the birds at a poultry facility. Or did they even do that?

The disease was first detected in May 2018 out of a fighting rooster flock in Compton (LA County). People moved these birds to Ventura Couty, infecting a rooster flock of over 4,000. The Riverside/SB detections started by last summer. Despite this, CDFA as late as Dec. 7 allowed a poultry auction to take place in a hot spot. The first commercial cases were detected in December.
The disease was first detected in May 2018 out of a fighting rooster flock in Compton (LA County). People moved these birds to Ventura Couty, infecting a rooster flock of over 4,000. The Riverside/SB detections started by last summer. Despite this, CDFA as late as Dec. 7 allowed a poultry auction to take place in a hot spot. The first commercial cases were detected in December.

Did the state kill those 4000 birds?
Ya. They were all killed.
In Ventura County, they nipped it in the bud and that appears to be the only place there has been no recurrence, with the exception of the isolated cases in Arizona, Utah, and the one infected rooster up in N. CA. The further outbreaks in June in multiple areas are particularly alarming. They started too late to contain this. And the untrained people they hired are probably spreading it.
In Ventura County, they nipped it in the bud and that appears to be the only place there has been no recurrence, with the exception of the isolated cases in Arizona, Utah, and the one infected rooster up in N. CA. The further outbreaks in June in multiple areas are particularly alarming. They started too late to contain this. And the untrained people they hired are probably spreading it.

Do you know if these new outbreaks are birds testing positive for NCD or dying from same?

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