LOS ANGELES county CA under bird quarantine :(

Yes, Breanne. Ignoring the fact that no one would ever have to break into anything because my yard is not locked, I'd be distraught. I'm sure it would take me a while to get over it. But 1) I'd have to and 2) I'd still be invested in the disease being eradicated so that the quarantine could be lifted and I could get chicks and start again.

By the way, I think you're right that I'm presently not near any commercial operations but it was only a few years ago that I was within a few miles of the teaching flocks and facilities at Pierce. Beyond that, none of us know how close we may be to people who frequent cockfighting events. There are people who come on my property all the time as gardeners, tree trimmers, plumbers, deliver folks, electricians, etc. who may have and bring exposure with them. And I may bring it in myself from one of the feedstores I buy from who service anyone in the community who feeds their flocks.

I still have a noisy and aggressive rooster because I've never been able to offer him on Craig's list in fear he'd go to someone in my area who would put him in a fighting ring.

Now let me propose a hypothetical to you.

You have a flock of 10 or 20 or 30 birds. There is a highly contagious and rapidly spreading incurable disease called virulent Withering Comb (vWC). One of your chickens suddenly isn't sporting a comb anymore. Are you going to wait for the rest of them to catch it? Or are you going to isolate the sick bird as quickly as you can?

This is what the state of CA is attempting to do. Everything else is drama. And none of us is served by the folks who are ratcheting up the drama or sitting on the sidelines criticizing.
Are you serious? They sat on their hands and did NOTHING for an entire year! Sorry, but the whole operation is a botch job. As quickly as they can? No, as quickly as they can obtain grant money and wait for it to get worse. But, think what you want, you're going to anyway. Hope you never have to find out the truth. At least they aren't any longer catching the birds, stomping on them, and shooting their heads off in front of children (yes,that's been documented) so some progress has been made. If that is drama, it is drama created by them. I'm not really into drama myself, but some things are intolerable cruelty, unjustified, and unnecessary and need to be called out. Yes, and that IS for the greater good. Those in charge need to be accountable for their actions, behave in a professional manner, and see to it that those they hire are sufficiently trained to do the job they were hired to do and able to treat the citizens they contact with respect. That hasn't been happening. Otherwise, all the actions they take and the millions of birds they killed are dead for no gain at all. As noted previously in the thread, the disease has now spread back into Los Angeles county. As to your scenario, if sufficiently virulent, I might self-euthanize my entire flock, but I would not wait for the CDFA to come calling if notified. There would be nothing to find at my house. Because no, I don't like drama...
Your attitude and sense of responsibility to community is admirable and I appreciate your point of view... You, however, are just the type of responsible community member that the CDFA has been disrespecting. People who follow the rules and believe in sacrifice for the greater good. Imagine this scenario: after you have been notified that you are in the "depopulation zone" and notified them that you will euthanize your birds or find someone to do it properly and set a date for a time for them to come and inspect the bodies, the CDFA personnel come with a warrant in the middle of a day prior to your set date while you are at work, break into your property in torn hazmat suits and dirty boot covers, take your birds, pile them into a metal garbage can and when finally dead (or are they, really?) throw them into a trash bag and take them to the nearest landfill and dump them to be picked at by flocks of seagulls. You come home to broken gates and locks, and your beloved pets are missing. You can tell from all the feathers that it didn't go well... How are you feeling now? Betrayed, grief-stricken, angry, emotionally devastated? Would you feel like you wanted to do something to keep this from happening to someone else? Maybe not, I don't know. I would not wish it on anyone. Fortunately, Woodland Hills is not an area that is heavily populated with commercial chicken facilities, so you are probably safe. I hope so, anyway. Sadly, the whole CDFA operation has been run in a way that would lead you to think that they are more concerned with prolonging the grant money it generated than ending the outbreak of VND and the quarantine. And that might just be the truth...

It's ok. I have such a hard time knowing when to shut up. I should have shut up long ago because I realize my opinions amount to nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Are you serious? They sat on their hands and did NOTHING for an entire year! Sorry, but the whole operation is a botch job. As quickly as they can? No, as quickly as they can obtain grant money and wait for it to get worse. But, think what you want, you're going to anyway. Hope you never have to find out the truth. At least they aren't any longer catching the birds, stomping on them, and shooting their heads off in front of children (yes,that's been documented) so some progress has been made. If that is drama, it is drama created by them. I'm not really into drama myself, but some things are intolerable cruelty, unjustified, and unnecessary and need to be called out. Yes, and that IS for the greater good. Those in charge need to be accountable for their actions, behave in a professional manner, and see to it that those they hire are sufficiently trained to do the job they were hired to do and able to treat the citizens they contact with respect. That hasn't been happening. Otherwise, all the actions they take and the millions of birds they killed are dead for no gain at all. As noted previously in the thread, the disease has now spread back into Los Angeles county. As to your scenario, if sufficiently virulent, I might self-euthanize my entire flock, but I would not wait for the CDFA to come calling if notified. There would be nothing to find at my house. Because no, I don't like drama...

That's irresponsible parenting. If parents took the kids in the house they wouldn't have seen it. That's horrible that the parents would allow such a thing if it's going to upsetting to the children.

Videos don't always show the whole picture either. People are often disrespectful to authority and then begin their videos when they get a response.

The bigger issue that the state didn't do anything about this until the whole thing got out of hand, but then again it was possibly trying to avoid panic. It certainly wouldn't do to have people moving birds out of the state due to fear, or hiding them for that reason. It's certainly happening though. This is likely why some people who might be considered problems get early visits they aren't expecting. The state should be better organized and have a person to actually handle the owners while others handle the birds humanely and both sides should cooperate to eradicate the problem. Quite frankly, both sides are behaving horribly and it's not surprising that there are so many problems.
That's irresponsible parenting. If parents took the kids in the house they wouldn't have seen it. That's horrible that the parents would allow such a thing if it's going to upsetting to the children.

Videos don't always show the whole picture either. People are often disrespectful to authority and then begin their videos when they get a response.

The bigger issue that the state didn't do anything about this until the whole thing got out of hand, but then again it was possibly trying to avoid panic. It certainly wouldn't do to have people moving birds out of the state due to fear, or hiding them for that reason. It's certainly happening though. This is likely why some people who might be considered problems get early visits they aren't expecting. The state should be better organized and have a person to actually handle the owners while others handle the birds humanely and both sides should cooperate to eradicate the problem. Quite frankly, both sides are behaving horribly and it's not surprising that there are so many problems.

A woman on the site, we'll call her G, consented. Got a kill appointment. CDFA found out that this lady had called FB friends for community support. Keep in mind, the members that come out are mostly Riverside suburban moms and a few disabled older men--and cdfa always has CHP on speed dial if not there with them. This was not a security situation, it was a situation of CDFA being embarrassed by some ladies with iPhones.

So, CDFA ditched G's kill appointment. Didn't even tell her. By that time, she'd heard that her friend R. (who had also engaged SOB) had her yard broken into with warrants while the lady was at work, a lady who had again consented to the kill, again had an appointment, and in this case, SOBers were on video asking them to keep the appointment as the lady had taken off of work to be there for it.

G, terrified, camped out in her own yard for over two weeks because G did not want kill squads with warrants terrifying her special needs son unannounced. G in fact put her seven chickens in a crate in the front of the yard. Imagine this poor lady, along with maybe six suburban Riverside moms and grandmas, all under a tarp in the front of the yard. It took 19 days for the kill squad to even show back up at G's. And, you know, no one impeded them when they finally got it done. It is all on video, and it is all publicly available.

G last week was revisited by the officials wanting to make sure G did not repopulate. They told G that she couldn't even move the crate in the front yard until their subsequent visits. It's still out there, the tarp flapping sadly over it, protecting no one from the sun anymore. G is still explaining to her son why his pet chickens aren't in that crate, because they have gone to be with Jesus.
A woman on the site, we'll call her G, consented. Got a kill appointment. CDFA found out that this lady had called FB friends for community support. Keep in mind, the members that come out are mostly Riverside suburban moms and a few disabled older men--and cdfa always has CHP on speed dial if not there with them. This was not a security situation, it was a situation of CDFA being embarrassed by some ladies with iPhones.

So, CDFA ditched G's kill appointment. Didn't even tell her. By that time, she'd heard that her friend R. (who had also engaged SOB) had her yard broken into with warrants while the lady was at work, a lady who had again consented to the kill, again had an appointment, and in this case, SOBers were on video asking them to keep the appointment as the lady had taken off of work to be there for it.

G, terrified, camped out in her own yard for over two weeks because G did not want kill squads with warrants terrifying her special needs son unannounced. G in fact put her seven chickens in a crate in the front of the yard. Imagine this poor lady, maybe six suburban Riverside moms, all under a tarp in the front of the yard. It took 19 days for the kill squad to even show back up at G's. And, you know, no one impeded them. It is all on video, and it is all publicly available.

G last week was revisited by the officials wanting to make sure G did not repopulate. They told G that she couldn't even move the crate in the front yard until their subsequent visits. It's still out there, the tarp flapping sadly, protecting no one. G is still explaining to her son why his pet chickens aren't in the crate, because they have gone to be with Jesus.

It's not breaking in when the state has a warrant. It's legal. I would call it preventing a bad situation from becoming ridiculous by avoiding it. People want to make a spectacle of it and seek attention when the state, like it or not, has a job to do. Stop vND from spreading.
It's not breaking in when the state has a warrant. It's legal. I would call it preventing a bad situation from becoming ridiculous by avoiding it. People want to make a spectacle of it and seek attention when the state, like it or not, has a job to do. Stop vND from spreading.

They could have kept R's appointment then. R, like anyone else, is entitled to go fb live if she wishes. it is not valid for CDFA to turn on a citizen who consented and got an appointment simply because they use their cellphone. This was a complete ham-handed misuse of the warrant process, which again has done nothing but spread fear.
They could have kept R's appointment then. R, like anyone else, is entitled to go fb live if she wishes. it is not valid for CDFA to turn on a citizen who consented and got an appointment simply because they use their cellphone.

When that person calls out a crowd I certainly don't blame them. For their safety as well as that of the public. I would construe that behavior as confrontational.
It's not breaking in when the state has a warrant. It's legal. I would call it preventing a bad situation from becoming ridiculous by avoiding it. People want to make a spectacle of it and seek attention when the state, like it or not, has a job to do. Stop vND from spreading.
It IS spreading... Because the people they hired to stop it are incompetent and untrained in biohazard techniques and proper disposal procedures.
It IS spreading... Because the people they hired to stop it are incompetent and untrained in biohazard techniques and proper disposal procedures.

I absolutely agree with you on this. The incompetence is what made the whole mess that much worse. I wish the maroon in the governor's office would appoint someone capable of handling the situation. For the sake of everyone.
When that person calls out a crowd I certainly don't blame them. For their safety as well as that of the public. I would construe that behavior as confrontational.

I respectfully disagree. Look, in the 2000s I had a situation where someone called animal control on a foster dog I had on my porch. The animal was owned by the shelter in an adjacent county. For my integrity and security, I brought up independent observers to observe the visit at my own home. If iPhones had been a thing then, we would have all been recording it. Anyone for any reason has the right to record on their own property and have friends over who record as well.
I respectfully disagree. Look, in the 2000s I had a situation where someone called animal control on a foster dog I had on my porch. The animal was owned by the shelter in an adjacent county. For my integrity and security, I brought up independent observers to observe the visit at my own home. If iPhones had been a thing then, we would have all been recording it. Anyone for any reason has the right to record on their own property and have friends over who record as well.

I agree you can do so on your property. Why the friends? If you have a recording you won't need witnesses. If you were going to a place where tensions were high, the larger the crowd the worse it can be. Especially when those people don't just shut up and let the state folks do their jobs.

I'm not defending the state or the workers treatment of the animals, but the public is far from innocent.

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