Losing chickens no idea why


In the Brooder
Nov 11, 2015
Lower Michigan
We've had three chickens this week die. Seem fine then I find them laying lifeless in the coop or flopping. Everyone of them has been super skinny that I've found like this. What should I give them so it stops happening. They have fresh water and unlimited access to food.
How old are these birds? What feed are you offering? Have you recently checked and/or treated for internal parasites (worms)? You say they are skinny when found, what is the body condition of the birds before they go downhill? Has the amount of feed they are consuming gone up or down recently?
4 or 5 months. Chicken layer with the rest of the girls. No I haven't (how do I check and treat) we have only had chickens for a year. Nothing has changed with feed consumption. I have noticed it's just the ones that I hatched 4 or 5 months ago non of the others. They seem fat and go around the yard with the rest of the girls before they go down hill. Thank you for all the questions this is a learning experience for me
4 or 5 months. Chicken layer with the rest of the girls. No I haven't (how do I check and treat) we have only had chickens for a year. Nothing has changed with feed consumption. I have noticed it's just the ones that I hatched 4 or 5 months ago non of the others. They seem fat and go around the yard with the rest of the girls before they go down hill. Thank you for all the questions this is a learning experience for me
How long have the younger birds been eating layer feed?
Part of the problem could be the other hens are chasing the younger ones away from the food source, causing them to starve. Try feeding your skinny ones separately from the other hens for a little while. When my chickens get skinny, that is usually because they have tape worms. I give them Wormazol , that usually helps them gain their weight back again. So if your girls are not gaining weight after 4-7 days of eating by them selves, have them checked by a vet if possible. If not just start giving them de-wormer pills. If you use Wormazol, give them one capsule every 10 days until they are the right weight again. You will have to wait before eating any eggs or meat from your pullets for 30 days while they are on the medicine. I know it is a long time, but this is powerful stuff, if they have tape worms, this would probably be the best way to go.

(P.S, maybe try de-worming them while they are being fed separately if you don't want to have a wait time.)

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