Lost a turkey to Blackhead

Dipsy Doodle Doo

13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Aiken, South Carolina 29801
My Coop
My Coop
At least that's what I thought it was and treated it as such (from previous posts, thanks), but the turkey didn't respond to treatment and died today.
That one was a 2 yr old Royal Palm male --- hatched here and lived in the chicken yard since hatch.
Now I'm concerned about my older Bourbon Red jake.
Might he develop Blackhead too? I *thought* after all this time, if I hadn't seen Blackhead, then Blackhead wouldn't be an issue.
I wonder if this is *yet another* poultry ill brought on by the outragous heat and heat stress.
Does this mean I can never raise more turkeys here?
Thanks for any insight,
Lisa, We had an issue last year with our turkeys - all the signs (we thought) of blackhead. We had a vet come out and take samples (oral and rectal), which showed cocci. Try sulmet, followed by vitamins and electrolytes, followed by acidified copper sulfate. I would recommend before any treatment, having a stool sample checked by a vet to confirm cocci tho. Meds are hard on their systems, so I don't like to treat the unknown.

We use acidified copper sulfate randomly in our turkey water as a preventative for blackhead. You don't want them on it all of the time, but an occasional treatment is good. I was told by our local ag that blackhead hasn't been identified in our area in many years. Our farm store had never even heard of it. But I feel prevention is the best way to handle it. It is my understanding that blackhead can be cured with Metronidazole (250mg 2 tablets twice a day for 5 days) prescribed from a vet.


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