lost many of my birds today...


8 Years
Nov 9, 2011
My chickens have been free ranging during the day for about 2 months now. They have a secure coop and I shut them in every night before dusk, and let them out the next morning. I haven't had a single loss until today. I had 17 birds (3 hens, 3 EE cockerels, 4 silkies, and the rest pullets) in the coop plus 7 older cockerels that free range with everyone but they sleep in a different area. Those are just about ready to go in the freezer.

I live in a very rural area so I was expecting that eventually I would lose a bird or two, but I am just in shock :(
I usually go down to the coop once or twice during the day to bring the chickens treats and/or to check for eggs. When I went down today there were only a few birds to greet me. I started looking around and I saw some white feathers down by the road. We live on a one lane road with very little traffic. I went down to investigate and it looks like at least one of my silkies was taken. There were lots of silkie feathers but no blood. I wasn't terribly attached to those silkies so I am just annoyed at this point.

I kept looking around and one of my cockerels comes running from up the road. He follows me home. One of my EE pullets shows up and flies into my face, I catch her and take her home. I find two pullets and a cockerel in the woods on the opposite side of the house, the one pullet is petrified and hid in the rocks, the other was roosting in a tree. Of the 7 older cockerels I find 6.

On my way to the coop I spot one of my white EE cockerels in the bushes. I go to retrieve him - he's alive but badly wounded. He had 2 deep puncture wounds sort of under his wing. He was barely moving and died a minute or so later, now I'm mad. I found him in one of the spots where the younger birds like to lay in the sun and dust bathe. There were lots of white feathers, some could have come from one of the other silkies or they could have been downy feathers from the white EE.

My hubby and I go out searching all around the woods and along the road, I find the feathers from what I believe is one of the older cockerels, again no blood but lots of feathers, strewn along the path they take to one of the areas where they sun themselves.

In the woods we find one of my EE pullets hunkered down, and my cuckoo marans showed up at the coop.
Missing are my sweet, puppy-dog Ameracuana hen, my BCM hen (both laying), a SLW that would have been laying soon, and 2 other EE pullets. I don't know if they're hiding in the woods, or if they've been taken too.

Everyone is locked up in the coop until I can build a secure run this weekend, but I would like to know exactly what is killing my chickens. What would leave lots of feathers but nothing else (aside from the wounded bird - I must have interrupted its meal)? I was thinking hawk but would a hawk kill so many birds in one day??
Birds carried off during the day like this points to dogs, coyotes or foxes. Hawks can't carry most adults away. Raccoons are usually nocturnal. If you find stashed bodies that points to foxes. Dogs usually don't eat them but just kill and let them lay. Coyotes can carry quite a few completely off and take them to their dens.

You do need a secure run as the culprit will be back until you are wiped out. I would also use electric netting or fence as it is the most effective protection. Whatever you choose DO NOT use chicken wire as it is easily torn thru by many of the suspects. Use hardware cloth instead.

Sorry you had this happen. Free ranging can carry a high price for chickens and loving owners. You might be able to tell the size of the predator from the wounds. Good luck and keep your guard up.
uhh... your day sounds very similar to my last night/this morning. We only have 12 chickens, 6 Amberlinks and 6 EEs about 13-14 weeks old tho. Also have been free range for about a month or 2 and normally stick close together. I noticed only 4 were back home yesterday evening.. Didn't worry too much, the rest will be here soon. As it got closer to getting dark I went to look again and 3 more were home.. worried now.. I went looking around the yard and edge of the woods and found 2 more in different places, both looked tramatized and the one was just standing there not moving until I got next to her, they both walked back to their coop. I came back and went as far into the woods as I could get and didn't see any signs of the other 3. DH walked around after he came home after dark and still no sign of them. First thing this morning we went into the woods again and found a bunch of white feather (amberlink) and then a few black feathers from one EE but no sign of blood, bodies or the other brown EEs feathers. These are the first ones we have lost and we raised them from babies.. so I am soo heartbroken. Soo Sorry about your lost. I would really like to know what got our chickens too
Birds carried off during the day like this points to dogs, coyotes or foxes. Hawks can't carry most adults away. Raccoons are usually nocturnal. If you find stashed bodies that points to foxes. Dogs usually don't eat them but just kill and let them lay. Coyotes can carry quite a few completely off and take them to their dens.

You do need a secure run as the culprit will be back until you are wiped out. I would also use electric netting or fence as it is the most effective protection. Whatever you choose DO NOT use chicken wire as it is easily torn thru by many of the suspects. Use hardware cloth instead.

Sorry you had this happen. Free ranging can carry a high price for chickens and loving owners. You might be able to tell the size of the predator from the wounds. Good luck and keep your guard up.

I second foxes. I've had quite the week. My whole set up and situation sounds similar to yours. You can find the whole story here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/248925/consolidated-kansas/13570. If you read on beyond my post that starts "devastation" you will find that 24 hours later I discovered my predator was a fox.
If you found no bodies it a fox.if there is it a racoon,dogs or cayote.iknow how fustereating it is I lost around 37 chickens to wild dogs. so that night I stayed up and waited for those dogs to come and they did I shot one of the dogs and I haven't seen them in forever now.
Sorry about your losses too :(

I am pretty sure it wasn't a dog...we rarely have loose dogs around here, every once in a while a neighbor's dog will get loose but she's friendly. Not saying she wouldn't have hurt the chickens but I have a feeling I scared off whatever it was in the act of killing the white cockerel, so I think fox or coyote is more likely - I doubt the dog would have run away. Probably fox...we have coyotes but they aren't too common...
I will look for the girls again tomorrow, keeping fingers and toes crossed that some will make it back...
Wow seems like everyone had a hard time with predators this week... Sorry for everyone's losses :( I'm praying for my
right now cuz I don't want this happening more
Wow seems like everyone had a hard time with predators this week... Sorry for everyone's losses :( I'm praying for my
right now cuz I don't want this happening more
Wow seems like everyone had a hard time with predators this week... Sorry for everyone's losses :( I'm praying for my
right now cuz I don't want this happening more

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