Lost my first hen yesterday....

I read that this is common.
Sorry for your loss...that's the #1 negative to raising chickens in my book. Sounds like it might have been a heart attack. The video below (warning: it does show her dying) was my top hen. The only "good" to come out of it was it was quick. I've had 3 birds go this way.

No visible signs of illness, looks like she just dropped off the perch at night, found her flat out....She was the head of the pecking order. And today, only 1 hen layed. They are all kinda quiet, seeming confused. Anyone know how long it takes for the rest to settle into the new pecking order? And would her death upset their laying?
Sorry. :hugs
I've lost my fair share of birds & even when 3 birds were dead in their own blood on the coop floor the other birds came running over cheerily to greet me. Actually, they were picking at the dead birds---they probably tasted good. :sick

When I butchered an extra last fall the chickens were alarmed by the flapping but came back to snatch castoff pieces. So, in my experience, chickens don't seem to notice death or have much pecking order change because of it. It could be different in a small flock.
When we first started with chickens, one died at 1 year old. No apparent reason, so I asked on this site for opinions. There were lots of suggestions but the one I found to be the most comforting was from a gentleman who claimed to have been raising chickens for 60 years. He said, chickens do two things well, poop & die. We know what causes the first, but the second is always a mystery. Not much solice, but I suppose it's part of farm life.
I know your loss. It hurts, especially the first, second, third and so on. I lost lost one today. She died in my arms being loved on. I didn't expect it, don't know what happened yet. It just simply hurts, I'm just grateful she was happy for so long...miss my little "Peeps" my thoughts are with you.

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