Lost my little Silver Laced Wyandotte today


10 Years
Jul 4, 2009
Hoquiam, Wa
I have wanted a Laced Wyandotte since I first started looking back in April. The hatchery didn't have any when I placed my order. So just a week and a half ago I took delivery from My Pet Chicken of 3 Cuckoo Marans, 3 Welsummers, 1 Delaware and 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte. Well all of the others grew and grew. She just never did. I tried everything I could think of to make sure she was getting her full share of nutrients and water. At this point she was basically about the same size as on arrival... Maybe 10% bigger. All the other chicks are at least 4-5 times original size.

Today, I found her dead in the brooder. I am a little bit sad. I must admit it is probably best, and it will be good to just relax and not worry about her constantly. But I so wanted a laced wing, either gold or silver... Or Blue&red.

Well, I just wanted to share. Thanks for listening (reading).
I'm so sorry for your loss.
. I just received my order from MPC yesterday, and my silver laced Wyandotte was the only DOA. I'm still mourning today:(.
I am so sorry you lost your little Wyandotte.

If you lived closer to me I would give you one of my 3 week old SLWs.
Aww.. so sad.

I got my order from MPC on tuesday which included a GLW.
She is the biggest chickie we got, and seems very healthy...

Our austrolorpe is the smallest... and the only one of the bunch that got pasty butt, but she seems to be doing OK now.
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Thanks for the support all.

I think I will wait until next year and try again with a few of them, all lighter types. Maybe I will have better luck. I also want a white crested black polish, and I think a silkie or one of those with the frizzle feathers. Just for fun.

By then I should know what the situation is with our city ordinances, and if they are going to change them.
Thanks very much. I am so envious that you are raising quail. They are such beautiful birds, and the cutest chicks! Oh, and dare I say it, great dinner too.
I'm so sad. I just lost my Dominique chick from my MPC order. That's 2 (SLW DOA) in the past two days:(. They all seemed so well this morning, before I left for work. Eating, pooping, and running around. But when I came home, one of the dominique's was lying on it's side...an hour later she was gone. I'm wondering what happened??
I'm sorry for your loss. Silver Laced Wyandottes are my favorite breed. I wish you lived closer. I'm expecting an order from the hatchery the week of Sept 21 of 25 SLW; I'd be happy to share.

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