Lost My Pyrenees!


10 Years
May 2, 2009
Woods, TX
My 9 1/2 month old Pyrenees, Mouse, has come up missing! He was home Thursday afternoon but not that evening or even now. He is not a roamer and I hope pomebody didn't stop by and load him up. I am going on a search mission today to see if I can find him. My turkeys are in danger with him gone. He has been the best guard dog I have ever seen. I have only lost 1 guinea and no chickens or turkeys since he was about 5 1/2 months. The guinea I lost was from a hawk swooping in and taking its head off but Mouse didn't let the hawk have it's meal so the hawk moved down the road killing another flock. I hope I can find him!
This is terrible, i hope you find him.

Is he fixed? if not a female may have come by and led him off,sure hope not.

I understand your concern for your livestock i would be at my wits end without mine they keep everything away even hawks if they see them comming.

I will be praying you get him back
No he is not fixed! That's funny because just this week I was thinking I needed to get him to the vet in the next few weeks to have that done. I am in vet clinics everyday from Texarkana to Port Arthur to Huntsville all day everyday but not much time during the week to bring him in. He did learn about the hawks after the first strike and didn't let it happen again.
I'd definitely ask around at the closest neighbors. They may have a female in heat or may have seen him around. They may even have talked to someone else that saw him. Dogs can really travel, once they get going. If he left because of a female in heat, he may have just gotten too far away and had trouble finding his way home. Or by that time, he could have been far enough away that someone picked him up. Have you tried all the shelters or animal controls in your area? I'd do that right away, too. It's also good to actually go there and look. When you talk to your neighbors, ask them to keep an eye out, too. I'd let the vet know your dog is missing, too.
I've never heard of a Pyranese yet that was not a wanderer. They're supposed to be "perimeter guardians" and their definition of perimeter can be a bit overwhelming. He is just getting to the age to be bold enough to test his world.

Neutering will no doubt help some. Our intact male English Shepherd even wanders and English Shepherds are supposed to be homebodies.

I hope you find him soon. Your story is common in our parts where the Pyrs and Anatolians just suddenly disappear. It usually takes a goat-type fence to hold them into their own property, one they can't climb under or through.


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