Lost over half in 24 hours!!


6 Years
Feb 26, 2013
NW Georgia
I don't know what's happening!! I've been raising chicks/chickens for over 5 years now and have never had this happen. We ordered 17 chicks from Meyer's (Australorps) and in 24 hours 9 have died!! Four died within 12 hours and then my kids get up this morning and 5 more are just lying there dead. They just seem to fall asleep/get sleepy and the next thing you know they're dead. I did cradle one while it was dying and it was just gasping with it's mouth open, but that's the only one that did that. Other ones I've picked up, their eyes will be open, but they can't seem to stand and seem more limp. Normally though, they're all walking around and then an hour later, you go by and one's dead. No pasty butt, but not near the amount of poop I would expected to see out of 17 chicks. We're using the same set up we always have (large rubbermaid, with shavings and heat lamp in the house). We're just absolutely heart broken. One of my boys is like "Just send them back mom, I can't take this." :hit
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If your light is too low the entire tub could be evenly overheated, leaving no away for them to go to. Maybe. Cold damp 40s weather in a not really heated indoor room my light ended up about 30 inches from the floor chained to a shelf bracket I installed on the wall to ensure cool areas. What wattage and what height is yours at?
250 watts, 34 inches from the floor, but only covering half the tub (similar to this pic, but the light's a little further back). House is a steady 65 degrees. Like I said, I've used this same set-up multiple times and never lost but one chicken (as a chick). Are different breeds of chicks more sensitive? This is a new breed for us. I just wonder if the shipping time took a toll on them. It took them 5 days to get here. :/
I feel so sorry for you. How traumatic for you and your children! A should-be happy event has gone all wrong!

Because you are so experienced raising chicks, I would suspect that this problem started at the hatchery. Time of year could have a lot to do with these terrible deaths also.

Take a look here at US National Library of Medicine article:

"It was found that the basic reasons for the morbidity and mortality of chicks in the first days following hatching were: the eggs chosen for hatching were of a lower biologic value due to deficient feeding... "

I am sure someone here will help identify the cause.

I am not trying to bad mouth Meyers or any other hatchery. But in the meantime, I would call Meyers IMMEDIATELY and explain the trauma you are going through and demand a full refund. I would NOT accept a replacement shipment. That doesn't help much -- but most hatcheries won't refund your purchase unless you report very quickly.

The only positive I can see is this can be a learning experience for your kids. Life is fragile and messy-- and the best-laid plans don't always workout. (I would also be sure to get them to talk about it as much as possible.)

No matter how tough or experienced you are, watching baby chicks die under your watch, one after another, is more than upsetting, baffling, and a little heartbreaking.

Just wondering, did you use a thermometer to check the heat level?
Try to think what you did differently. It’s not your first rodeo, your set-up has worked before. So something has to be different.

My first thoughts go to poison. Is it a new lamp bulb that is burning off a coating that creates a poisonous vapor? Is there something about the bedding that could cause this, maybe did it absorb something from where it was stored? Is the brooder in a new location? A few years back someone had a similar problem and found out the feed was tainted. Their kids had fed the chicks something they should not have. Is the water OK? Did you use a cleaner that left fumes, either in the brooder or just in the area? In some ways this sounds like it could be fumes, maybe start thinking along those lines.

There are other things besides poison of some type that could cause this, but with the ones I can think of they would not be acting the way you describe. They’d be in distress and showing it. I can’t tell you what is different this time, just that it sure sounds like something is. Good luck on figuring it out.
5 days is an extremely long time for chicks to ship. This could be the results of the shipping time. I'd contact where or who you got them from and explain it to them...they should have been shipped overnight/one day express, etc....maybe get replacements sent or a refund? Hope things work out for you!
Only other possible thing i can think of that with meyer hatchery had problem badly with this year is cocci friend got chicks from there most died days later due to cocci

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