lost pips


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 28, 2014
Burnt Cabins PA
I am just sick. I'm so new at this, as you will be able to tell. I had 3 different hens laying eggs and sitting in the same nesting box. One chick was hatched and one hen and chick left the nest, 2 hens still sitting in same box. Two days later another chick was hatched and one hen and chick left the box. Two days after that another chick ha t ched, the last hen and chick left the nest Friday leaving 7 eggs. This morning I saw a chick hatching, no momma. This evening I went up to the hen house and there were 4 partially hatched chicks dead and crawling with flies. Evidently, the eggs had all been layed at different times and I guess the hens thought they had were finished as soon as they had one chick. I am so upset. Such a waste of life. How can I prevent this in the future?
I'm so sorry you had to go through this. It's always hard to lose even the tiniest lives, no matter how experienced you are. Chicken owning is a neverending learning experience. You will lose the occasional bird, and it'll get easier with time, but you will still always find sympathy here on BYC.

Make sure to mark the eggs that you want hatched. Remove any new ones so that you don't get a staggered hatch. You can also toss the ones who are a little late to the party in the 'bator. :)

Hope things go easier for you now. :confused:g:

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