"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Well, I busted butt and finished the 2nd pen and got everyone moved around last night! I think I'm going to build one more of these because it was easy, fast and I kind of like the way they came out. I finished the roof on the 2nd one a little different and now I think I'm going to change the roof on the first one to be like the 2nd one. I'm always worried that someone is going to cut themself on the edges and the way the 2nd one was done it can't happen.

What ya think......

I really like the well too but I get alot more use out of the table. We eat here more than we eat at the table inside. Again...this was built out of all broken fence boards.....

Those are gorgeous Chris! Mind if I steal your coop design? We're going to have to crank out a couple more for all these new hatchlings!

Chicken Math strikes again!
All this talk about Mosquitos sure makes me grateful we do not have to worry about malaria around here!:( . I am curious to know if the fogger works too.

The fogger works GREAT! We had one for years when we had horses, & are on our 2nd one now. We fog the hedge around the house & the poultry coops & runs, all around the carport & edge of the house & down the driveway (where we walk to get the morning paper & the evening mail). We fog a couple times a week depending on how bad the mosquitoes are. Our fogger came from Lowe's but I don' remember what brand it is.

OK! :weee Woke up to 14 out of 15 guineas hatched! 2 are a little bit spraddle-legged but if they are still weak this evening I'll put band-aid "hobbles" on them for a few days until their little legs strengthen up. One was zipped last night & this morning still fighting hard so I took the egg out & found that as the humidity had dropped a bit, the egg membrane had sort of shrink-wrapped it, so I chipped the shell off & gently pulled the membrane back & it came out just fine, very healthy & vigorous.

I left it in the bator to dry off along w/the remaining guinea egg & the 2 peacock eggs which are due Friday. Played musical boxes with the 2 bators & my brooder box with the heat lamp to get everybody re-situated. As I was leaving for work the latest hatchling was yelling in the bator at his siblings "next door" & our parakeet was screaming back & the dogs were running back & forth between the utility & dining room tracking the action -- total, delightful chaos! Love it when a hatch goes well! Julie you have great stock & take such good care of your birds & it sure does show! :jumpy

Terri, sounds like you had a rowdy group this morning. :gig LOL @ dogs tracking the action. Gotta love it! :gig Thanks for the kind words Terri. I was hoping that you had a great hatch. Enjoy those babies! :thumbsup

Thanks for the tip on the fogger Terri.

Is this the one that you have? This is what I will be buying from Lowe's.


Can't wait to see pics of your babies. :pop
Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap
:weee :weee :weee :weee :weee :weee :weee :weee

No sign from the incubator yet. Today is lock down but I wanted to ask you Terri about the water trays and humidity. Do I need to fill both trays (Brinsea) with water to increase the humidity on the pea eggs or do I do the same as I did with the guinea eggs? I know that pea eggs are different from chicken eggs and I wanted to make sure I do EVERYTHING right. What humidity should I shoot for for the pea eggs?

Glad you're having a good time with your eggs. Sending good vibes your way for the pea eggs. :fl

Julie as humid as it's been w/the storms & all, I added very little water -- I put some little cups of water on the side so I could pour some out quickly or add if needed instead of filling the trays in the bottom. I put my humidity just under 50% & once they started hatching, at the peak it was 61% w/o adding anything - the moisture from the hatching eggs spiked it up. This morning it was back at 50% & I left it there. I don't like it too high - I've drowned chicks that way. I want my temps at an even 100 degrees or even slightly under, but not higher. I find the temps also go up during hatch. Such a lot of activity going on you know!
I know everybody has their own methods, but this is what works for me.

Great. I'm so nervous about the peas. With only 1 tray full of water, the humidity stays between 40 - 50. I guess I'll leave it at that because any more water, the humidity will be too high and I don't want to risk drowning the peas.

Well, I busted butt and finished the 2nd pen and got everyone moved around last night! I think I'm going to build one more of these because it was easy, fast and I kind of like the way they came out. I finished the roof on the 2nd one a little different and now I think I'm going to change the roof on the first one to be like the 2nd one. I'm always worried that someone is going to cut themself on the edges and the way the 2nd one was done it can't happen.

What ya think......

I really like the well too but I get alot more use out of the table. We eat here more than we eat at the table inside. Again...this was built out of all broken fence boards.....

Awesome job! I love the recycling. Good job!
Terri, sounds like you had a rowdy group this morning.
LOL @ dogs tracking the action. Gotta love it!
Thanks for the kind words Terri. I was hoping that you had a great hatch. Enjoy those babies!

Thanks for the tip on the fogger Terri.
Is this the one that you have? This is what I will be buying from Lowe's.

Can't wait to see pics of your babies.
No - boy that looks cool! We've had our current one about 10 years so it's a much older model, it still works though!

I did take some pics this morning; will try to get them up maybe tonight -- it'll be a busy evening as Jim is flying back from Wisconsin & I have to go after work & pick him up at the airport & the animals will all be just SO glad to have him home! me, too!!!
Well, I busted butt and finished the 2nd pen and got everyone moved around last night! I think I'm going to build one more of these because it was easy, fast and I kind of like the way they came out. I finished the roof on the 2nd one a little different and now I think I'm going to change the roof on the first one to be like the 2nd one. I'm always worried that someone is going to cut themself on the edges and the way the 2nd one was done it can't happen.

What ya think......

I really like the well too but I get alot more use out of the table. We eat here more than we eat at the table inside. Again...this was built out of all broken fence boards.....

OMG Chris I love the table & chairs!! I bet ya'll do eat there alot!! I know we would! Love the brooders!! Will try to start building mine this weekend!

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