"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Stefansmomma, there was a guy at the Covington swap meet a couple of weeks ago. I did not get his name but I think he is a regular there. All I can say is give that a try. Good luck to ya!
Great! Maybe I'll have some luck! That's actually what I was wanting as long as it was the Bantam Cochin Frizzle. I called a while back and all they had was the buff but I don't want them all the same color and I want to get at least 2 plus a smooth feathered bantam cochin roo to go with. I have 3 hens and a roo now but they're about 9 weeks old and they're Standard size. I had bought a GLW and told my little niece I named it after her and it died the next day. Well she doesn't know it died! She will be coming to visit from FL so I want to get another (only a bantam this time) to replace it and Lord knows you can't just buy one so........
I have an adorable little stinker of a Cochin roo. My girls would kill me though if I let him go. I wonder if you may know the answer to a question I have though. The roo has 5 toes. And I have a frizzle hen, she has 4 toes. They are both bantams. So is she a Cochin too? Sorry if this is a silly question but this is my first year with Bantams or Cochins.

I also wonder. Maybe you should go look for yourself at Petrus if they say they have ANY bantams. I don't want to say anything bad about my favorite feed store. But sometimes I'm not sure the girls in the back know what kind the bantam chicks really are. They have told me a few times that they just do not know what kind some are. They are all great people there though. I like how they keep their birds clean!!!
Also the girl that works in the back that is usually there told me that she can order whatever kind of bird I wanted her to order. As long as the hatchery had some hatching that she didn't mind adding whatever to her order. And she said it didn't have to be a large number of birds either. That was about a month ago but she said really cutoff would be later this fall when it gets cold.

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