"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I just got chewed out by my sweet little Frizz. I was later than usual getting all the hens back into their accommodations. When I went out to check on them and put them up she came straight at me like a little bullet! That's the most noise and the loudest I have ever heard her! She stood for me to pick her up and then continued to scold me, though more calmly. She is SO adorable!!! She is like a little white fuzzy cotton ball. I wish she would hold still for pictures!

I guess it must be the "vermin" time of the year. When I got up this morning I went and opened the blind on the back door. And what did my eyes behold? My Ziggy cat with a live plaything. Headed straight from the back fence for the house! So I grabbed shoes, with the intention of also grabbing a shovel, or whatever was handy outside the back door, for the purpose of giving the vermin a permanent headache. The dog (my blonde dingbat schnauzer) was way excited that I was awake and was insisting loudly that I let her out of her kennel. It probably didn't help her excitement that I was yelling about the scene going on out in the back yard. "Flip, Toss (scurry, running scared), Proudly looking at Mom who is in the window of the back door........who must undoubtedly be happy about the "PRESENT" because she is yelling and grabbing her shoes to come see" So I let out the noisemaker so she could go out with me. I grab the closest implement of pain and went towards the scene. Unfortunately so did the dog! As soon as she spotted the vermin she rushed it and the cat, snatching up the prize. Alternately tossing, mouthing it and dropping it. Like a sloppy game of hot potato. Then she DROPS IT AND LETS IT RUN AWAY INTO THE FLOWER BED!!!!! UHG!!!!!! Zig meanwhile is looking at me like, "Really Mom?!" Once the dog managed to gather her thoughts enough to go pee I was able to get her attention and get her to go inside the house. I was able to help the cat locate the, whatever it was. They got it in the end, no thanks to the dog. But you know, if they would just kill them out in the field, and not bring them to me as presents that would be ever so cool.

Especially since the cats proceed to eat it, then puke it back up somewhere in the yard in landmine form. WATCH where you walk people! Icky!
I just got chewed out by my sweet little Frizz.  I was later than usual getting all the hens back into their accommodations.  When I went out to check on them and put them up she came straight at me like a little bullet!  That's the most noise and the loudest I have ever heard her!  She stood for me to pick her up and then continued to scold me, though more calmly.  She is SO adorable!!!  She is like a little white fuzzy cotton ball.  I wish she would hold still for pictures!

I guess it must be the "vermin" time of the year.  When I got up this morning I went and opened the blind on the back door.  And what did my eyes behold?  My Ziggy cat with a live plaything.  Headed straight from the back fence for the house!  So I grabbed shoes, with the intention of also grabbing a shovel, or whatever was handy outside the back door, for the purpose of giving the vermin a permanent headache.  The dog (my blonde dingbat schnauzer) was way excited that I was awake and was insisting loudly that I let her out of her kennel.  It probably didn't help her excitement that I was yelling about the scene going on out in the back yard.  "Flip, Toss (scurry, running scared), Proudly looking at Mom who is in the window of the back door........who must undoubtedly be happy about the "PRESENT" because she is yelling and grabbing her shoes to come see"    So I let out the noisemaker so she could go out with me.  I grab the closest implement of pain and went towards the scene.  Unfortunately so did the dog!  As soon as she spotted the vermin she rushed it and the cat, snatching up the prize.  Alternately tossing, mouthing it and dropping it.  Like a sloppy game of hot potato.  Then she DROPS IT AND LETS IT RUN AWAY INTO THE FLOWER BED!!!!!  UHG!!!!!!   Zig meanwhile is looking at me like, "Really Mom?!"  Once the dog managed to gather her thoughts enough to go pee I was able to get her attention and get her to go inside the house.  I was able to help the cat locate the, whatever it was.  They got it in the end, no thanks to the dog.  But you know, if they would just kill them out in the field, and not bring them to me as presents that would be ever so cool. 

Especially since the cats proceed to eat it, then puke it back up somewhere in the yard in landmine form.  WATCH where you walk people!  Icky!

That story brings back lots of not good memories. Misha, my cat, would go out hunting at night and bring all sorts of animals into the house through the doggie door. Snakes, birds, squirels, lizards, moles, what have you. He figured out that the zacuzzi was perfect for his game becaise his prey couldn't get out.

I'd make the discovery in the morning. No good. Horrible. Very traumatic. Needless to say, I NEVER used that jacuzzi.
Mine are still at it with th FF :)
Last night when I came home, I scooped a bit more dry feed in because I fed yesterday and didn't replace it. I added a bit to much in my gallon bucket! I'd recommend a 5 gal bucket even if its only 1/4 full!) Lol this morning I go to scoop n feed and I had what looked like a top hat of solid soaked feed rising outta the bucket! None spilled, but probably would have bubbled over everywhere if i didn't catch it lol. But its safe! I dumped it into a bigger bucket, added water and it still smells yummy so I think I avoided a huge mess! Yay! My 3 & 4 year old kids were in awe! Mommy was slinging mudd! (they call it chickie mudd....lol

I fed my girls ff today and they went after it like a bunch of vulchers. Wow lets see if it increases egg production like it suppose to.
Hahahaha ewwww. But hey! They're doing a great job! Lol well your kitty is lol Pup seems to be a better alarm lol
I just got chewed out by my sweet little Frizz.  I was later than usual getting all the hens back into their accommodations.  When I went out to check on them and put them up she came straight at me like a little bullet!  That's the most noise and the loudest I have ever heard her!  She stood for me to pick her up and then continued to scold me, though more calmly.  She is SO adorable!!!  She is like a little white fuzzy cotton ball.  I wish she would hold still for pictures!

I guess it must be the "vermin" time of the year.  When I got up this morning I went and opened the blind on the back door.  And what did my eyes behold?  My Ziggy cat with a live plaything.  Headed straight from the back fence for the house!  So I grabbed shoes, with the intention of also grabbing a shovel, or whatever was handy outside the back door, for the purpose of giving the vermin a permanent headache.  The dog (my blonde dingbat schnauzer) was way excited that I was awake and was insisting loudly that I let her out of her kennel.  It probably didn't help her excitement that I was yelling about the scene going on out in the back yard.  "Flip, Toss (scurry, running scared), Proudly looking at Mom who is in the window of the back door........who must undoubtedly be happy about the "PRESENT" because she is yelling and grabbing her shoes to come see"    So I let out the noisemaker so she could go out with me.  I grab the closest implement of pain and went towards the scene.  Unfortunately so did the dog!  As soon as she spotted the vermin she rushed it and the cat, snatching up the prize.  Alternately tossing, mouthing it and dropping it.  Like a sloppy game of hot potato.  Then she DROPS IT AND LETS IT RUN AWAY INTO THE FLOWER BED!!!!!  UHG!!!!!!   Zig meanwhile is looking at me like, "Really Mom?!"  Once the dog managed to gather her thoughts enough to go pee I was able to get her attention and get her to go inside the house.  I was able to help the cat locate the, whatever it was.  They got it in the end, no thanks to the dog.  But you know, if they would just kill them out in the field, and not bring them to me as presents that would be ever so cool. 

Especially since the cats proceed to eat it, then puke it back up somewhere in the yard in landmine form.  WATCH where you walk people!  Icky!
I fed my girls ff today and they went after it like a bunch of vulchers. Wow lets see if it increases egg production like it suppose to.

I tried FF one time but my birds didn't care for it too much. Thank goodness that they didn't because it is a headache to make for me. :/

It wasn't too bad. I started it yesterday and it was good and bubbley this morning. I just replaced the wet with the same amount of dry and will see how it goes.
It wasn't too bad. I started it yesterday and it was good and bubbley this morning. I just replaced the wet with the same amount of dry and will see how it goes.

It is when you have 3, 4, or 5 hundred head to mix up that mess for(huh Julie?) it would be big ol barrels at a time + nasty to dole out, not one itty bitty five gallon bucket at my place. It just doesn't seem feasible to me, much less worth the effort. I can go sling out the dry feed amounts for the day in a very few minutes for each group or pen and go on. What I find spending the most time on, is the watering and keeping clean water in front of these numbers. I don't have time to stir up a witches kettle of brew daily, me. J/S but for the ones with the small numbers I can see this working out for ya'll.

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It wasn't too bad. I started it yesterday and it was good and bubbley this morning. I just replaced the wet with the same amount of dry and will see how it goes.

It is when you have 3, 4, or 5 hundred head to mix up that mess for(huh Julie?) it would be big ol barrels at a time + nasty to dole out, not one itty bitty five gallon bucket at my place. It just doesn't seem feasible to me, much less worth the effort. I can go sling out the dry feed amounts for the day in a very few minutes for each group or pen and go on. What I find spending the most time on, is the watering and keeping clean water in front of these numbers. I don't have time to stir up a witches kettle of brew daily, me. J/S but for the ones with the small numbers I can see this working out for ya'll.




Yeppers! I'm with you Jeff on that. I ain't fightin with all of that. No way. No can do. :/

You are right about the time in watering and keeping clean water. I thought I was the only one that had that headache. Man, that kills me on some days but I know it's gotta be done. :/

LOL @ witches kettle of brew. :gig That pretty much sums it all up Jeff.

And I agree, for those with smaller flocks that can make this work, PLEASE do so. I have heard nothing but great comments about the FF. If the feed store sold buckets of FF, then I would be all on that. And I would bring you a few buckets too Jeff. :D
It wasn't too bad. I started it yesterday and it was good and bubbley this morning. I just replaced the wet with the same amount of dry and will see how it goes.

It is when you have 3, 4, or 5 hundred head to mix up that mess for(huh Julie?) it would be big ol barrels at a time + nasty to dole out, not one itty bitty five gallon bucket at my place. It just doesn't seem feasible to me, much less worth the effort. I can go sling out the dry feed amounts for the day in a very few minutes for each group or pen and go on. What I find spending the most time on, is the watering and keeping clean water in front of these numbers. I don't have time to stir up a witches kettle of brew daily, me. J/S but for the ones with the small numbers I can see this working out for ya'll.




Yeppers! I'm with you Jeff on that. I ain't fightin with all of that. No way. No can do. :/

You are right about the time in watering and keeping clean water. I thought I was the only one that had that headache. Man, that kills me on some days but I know it's gotta be done. :/

LOL @ witches kettle of brew. :gig That pretty much sums it all up Jeff.

And I agree, for those with smaller flocks that can make this work, PLEASE do so. I have heard nothing but great comments about the FF. If the feed store sold buckets of FF, then I would be all on that. And I would bring you a few buckets too Jeff. :D

Wish I could have more but I am over my limit now. As far as the water situation goes I have an automatic system in place. They can't poop in it so it stays clean.

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