"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Mike and Terri (and anyone else who has peas) , are your peas still laying? I want mine to stop!!!! I have had enough pea eggs for this season.

I posted this information in the pea section but will post here as well.

Cycle # 1- Laid 4 eggs. Incubated all 4 eggs. 3 eggs hatched. 1 egg did not hatch but the pea was fully developed. Not sure what happened.

Cycle #2 - Laid 10 eggs. Sold all 10 eggs to a customer. Buyer contacted me and told me that 9 eggs were fertile and 1 was not. All 9 peas were fully formed but did not hatch. Buyer has no idea what happened to the 9 pea chicks that didn't hurt. I was SOOOO HURT! What a huge loss. I should have kept my eggs and hatched them myself.

Cycle #3 - Laid 4 eggs. Eggs are in the incubator right now. Lockdown is Sunday. Hatch day is Wednesday of next week.

Cycle #4 - Laid 8 eggs so far. I may put them in the incubator if I don't sell them. Kinda leaning towards not selling them because of the buyer who had a batch hatch.
I may hatch the eggs and sell the babies to responsible owners who can keep them alive.
Mine have not laid in over a week now & I saw some feathers laying around today, so maybe they are done for the year. Very weird cycles this year - only 3 cycles here, unless they start up again.
My new flock of chickens are about 16 weeks now. I am really hoping that the Red Sex Link Chickens start laying soon! I am really grateful that the eggs our friends gave us have lasted us through this egg-less time. Our friends Mom has chickens.

I am ready for a bit of rain here. Its really starting dry out. The garden, flower beds and grass are getting crispy. I am having to water with the sprinkler today.

We got to stay home yesterday evening because hubby is in summer college courses. I was glad! Because I got to make a soap using Cold Process, then Hot Processing it. Since it was the 4th of July I used holiday colors ;) Usually Hot Process comes out REALLY rough looking. But these came out great.
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Good morning. Hope that everyone had a great 4th on yesterday. Nothing much going on here. Had a rowdy group of animals yesterday but what's new. I had to take this pic when I saw it. I also recorded it but will have to try to attach it.

Guess who won this fight? 1 year old pea hen or 2 month old chick?

Instead of Princess being a good pea like the other trio, she had to venture off and pick a fight.

I must say that the adolescent peas are very good at not flying off or running away. Princess is the only one that will venture off but that's because she is nosey. They all did a good job free ranging with all of the rest of the animals. No problems herding them back in to their pea pen.
Love the action shot! My money was definitely on the chick. Hahaha. Your peas are so pretty. I wish I had the space for some of them.
Hahahahaai love the pic of the Pea running from poofed up chick! That's awesome I really lol'd!

So I've been hauling this small heavy pen up n down the stairs for the new chicks to get some grass time with the older girls...whee. n e ways...I was sittin out there n saw a bunch of wire grates and an old playhouse the hubby was juuuust talkin about getting rid of cuz the kids thrashed pieces and grew outta it, so it was just a box lol. Add some screws n wire and I have a playpen for the chicks when they get yard time :) hehehe hubby (contractor, constantly working on projects of grandness lol just smiled and shook his head.

Went to work and picked up a pallet for a solid base :) yay free
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Does anyone know if there is a breeders list for louisiana breeders on here, or if we could start one.

I reckon one could start up one if so desired and is moved to do so, go for it. I'll list a few of what I got can't list them all, they"ain't got" names for all my kinds yet LOL I give them names sometimes when I get POed
or feel like making up funny/goofy stuff LOL


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