"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

K everybody that is curious about my adventures in caponing, 6 went very well with no real issues. 1 after to many cuts and no testes found was glued back together. 1 only had 1 removed because I made a bad cut. Next week after healing I will reattempt him
so far so good for my first go round. It did get easier with each one I did.
That is very impressive. Congratulations.
I use to eat muscovy eggs every now and then when I use to have them. I don't remember then tasting much diff than chicken eggs, but it's been a while. Seems like I can remember them always having deep rich orange yolks, even if they haven't been on fresh grass for a while. I kinda miss have muscovies. Good eating
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Duck eggs are ok but not my favorite. They have a strong taste but not a bad taste though. I have a customer that is deadly allergic to chicken eggs, so she loads up on my duck eggs. Her health has done 180 in terms of her skin is clear, her hair is growing, no more allergies and a few other things that she mentioned. All of that because she started eating duck eggs. Duck eggs are great for baking. I have 3 bakers that buy my duck eggs every week. I'm sure you will enjoy them. Oh, you need satan's pitch fork to scramble them. Those are some mean eggs when it comes.to scrambling them.

Yes -- they definitely taste "eggier" than chicken eggs. Maybe if you start off w/just the whites & then add in the yolks. I never did like them - on the other hand, goose eggs were perfectly fine. i think it's just a matter of personal taste choice.

I use to eat muscovy eggs every now and then when I use to have them. I don't remember then tasting much diff than chicken eggs, but it's been a while. Seems like I can remember them always having deep rich orange yolks, even if they haven't been on fresh grass for a while. I kinda miss have muscovies. Good eating

Thanks for all your comments! I'm going to give them a try once Inglewood has some for sale.
Duck eggs are ok but not my favorite. They have a strong taste but not a bad taste though. I have a customer that is deadly allergic to chicken eggs, so she loads up on my duck eggs. Her health has done 180 in terms of her skin is clear, her hair is growing, no more allergies and a few other things that she mentioned. All of that because she started eating duck eggs. Duck eggs are great for baking. I have 3 bakers that buy my duck eggs every week. I'm sure you will enjoy them. Oh, you need satan's pitch fork to scramble them. Those are some mean eggs when it comes.to scrambling them.

Yes -- they definitely taste "eggier" than chicken eggs. Maybe if you start off w/just the whites

I use to eat muscovy eggs every now and then when I use to have them. I don't remember then tasting much diff than chicken eggs, but it's been a while. Seems like I can remember them always having deep rich orange yolks, even if they haven't been on fresh grass for a while. I kinda miss have muscovies. Good eating

Thanks for all your comments!  I'm going to give them a try once Inglewood has some for sale.

If you lived close to me I would give you a free dozen so that you could try them before spending any money on them and not like them.
Caponizing huh? Sounds like fun. Hope it goes well for you.

I got 16lbs of tomatoes and banana peppers sliced and diced today. All fresh from my garden. Its all ready to be made into salsa in the morning. It is going to be D-licious!!!!

And I have been getting eggs everyday from my new hens I got from Terri. Super glad about that! Its been a pretty good day even though my Mister is gone again for military work. Glad its only for a few days.
Glad they're producing for you! the soap you gave me is fantastic! -- I gave a bar to my 81 yr old Mom, she has very sensitive skin - she loves it!
Hey every body, figured I'd check in here about the capon's . I have been told that Chet's really like capon's and they pay a premium for them. Now I never tried this or would know how . Just some info from an old farmer in Henleyfield,Ms. I hope all goes well with that endeavor . Something that I would like to learn how to do.I have something to say about chicken math today. Who said that anyway? I really don't know but It's real . So here I am rain pouring down at a blistering pace , trying to get to the house so I can get a change of clothes, because as we all know when it's raining it seems your always late for one thing or another, here come Tony with two pulleys and says here my mother-inlaw can't keep these in her neighbor hood. Now I'm in a pickel here . How do you say no? So I take the chick with two GSD's drooling to get to the in the pouring down rain,trying to get to the garage, which buy the way is where I keep their leashes for there walk's. My wife finely gets the dogs in the house and we get the chicks in the garage and start to check the little buggers out. Pam gets a hand full of feed to give them a little snack and man those little suckers gave her a couple of good pecks . Good for a laugh anyway . But on with the story. These little buggers are just about feathered out and really petite . This what we think ,and maybe we are wrong . These little guys have been eating enough. Come to find out they are a product of a whinny little kid wanting peeps and getting his way without any thought about the consequences of his acts. Or his parents for that matter . Got that of my chest . So I guess what I'm saying chicken math is real. Oh yeah it really dosn't help when you are trying leave a little room for a couple of cream legbars that your wife really want!s . Se la vie

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