"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I'm pretty happy with mine also.  I do need a little more protection for the birds in storms.  Also,   it's sitting on a slight slope and when it rains hard the water will just wash right through the coop.  It's wet today.  I'm not sure how to avoid that, maybe add dirt on one side to do a mini swale.  No such thing as digging a trench.  It took a sledge hammer to put in some rebar to anchor it down.  I'll have to rent an auger just to make holes for my fencing.   Mostly rock.  But it is in shade most of the day so it won't get too hot.   

To be more specific, just putting a nice thick layer of River rock around and under the coops before I installed the drainage really helped.
To be more specific, just putting a nice thick layer of River rock around and under the coops before I installed the drainage really helped.

Sounds good. Too late for me now. So I will go with rocks on the north side and fill with dirt. Lots of dirt. I was able to put a tarp up on the west and part of south side where the wind will come from today. Three full days of storms, tornados and hail. I made the girls two community nest boxes with shavings under the roosts in the corner of the safest part of the coop. Now they are on their own. Fed and watered. I am so done. Stick a fork in me.

My new Rhodebar rooster

I started my chicken house today, set the corner posts and got them on plumb, waiting for cement to set, I plan to have the roof on tomorrow and maybe more if the weather holds up
I have missed so much in the past couple weeks, new chicks, new coops.. I an 2-1/2 weeks away from being packed and out. We have a new member out here in AZ, from Louisiana, he is so home sick. Unfortunately I have to stay close to here for a little longer. I have several medical tests going on. They have been slowing me down. But I want to be in good health so I can enjoy.


My remaining girls know something is going one, spending more time at the door, just watching.
Checking in from Leesville. I have my coop built and am picking up four hens tomorrow. They are Barred Rock. Two are 2 years old and two are 4 moths old. I am on a forum for my other hobbies (motorcycles, Home Theater, Computers) figured this place will be a good wealth of knowledge.
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Checking in from Leesville. I have my coop built and am picking up four hens tomorrow. They are Barred Rock. Two are 2 years old and two are 4 moths old. I am on a forum for my other hobbies (motorcycles, Home Theater, Computers) figured this place will be a good wealth of knowledge.

Welcome! I'm new as well and this site has been great.:welcome
SEAN O Hey there neighbor, glad to have you, if you need a young rooster, right now 7 weeks old and crowing already, i will have to get rid of some or eat them, i think i have 7 roosters

out of 19 Barred Rocks, be sure to use the forums for questions and information, i am fairly new and BYC has helped me a lot, This is one of them, he started trying to crow at 6 weeks, 5 were crowing this morning when i let them out at daylight
HEY EVERYBODY! Did ya miss me? Sorry, been a trying couple weeks, I FINALLY caught up tho... sent some PM's to respond to things I thought I could help on.
KUNTRY: hang on babe, I will mail more soon. Haven't been to town for a paper in 2 weeks. SO SORRY!

HELLO AND WELCOME ALL THE NEWBIES! So glad your here...as I have said on many facebook pages, you wont ever find such a good clump of awesome Louisiana Chicken Raising advice as you will from this wacky group we have here! Some of the best people I know...

YES, mosquitos will affect your chickens, horrible. Fowl Pox is spread by them, and kill a lot, though the ones who live have an immunity from then on as well as give a little of such immunity to their chicks... which is great. If you start to see ANY wart like lumps in a greyish color on combs, legs, ears or eyes, you CAN separate them from the others since pecking those spots causes oozing and oozing causes contagion. OR, you can let it run it's course... I highly recommend a well aired out coop with as much sunlight INSIDE it as possible, as well as fly paper l;ining the ceiling of your coop where they sleep. If possible, burn a anti mosquito candle under your coop, if it is raised, each night. Message me quick if you see these lumps for some quickie advice if needed.

Boar killing/ I am assuming we are talking about wild hogs? We kill them each year, it is the processing that will keep the smell out. Gut, skin, de foot and head, cut into legs, humps, and chest pieces then put into an ice chest. Cover with salt, a lot of salt. Then cover with ice. Each day, drain out water and re-salt and re-ice.... every day for 6 days. On the 7th day cut as preferred and freeze. All offensive odors gone....

Love the pics and ideas about coops!

Love the pics of new babies even more!
So, my two new girls from BOGJOHN started laying 2 weeks in, and now I have hatched my first ORP/MARAN baby! She is so sweet and is 2 days old... pink lil toesies!
My new Maran Rooster is an attacking type, so yeah, dont come over and turn your back on him.... EVER!
So, that makes
3 Austrolorp, 1 Leghorn, 3 EE, 2 BUFF ORPS, and 1 Red Sex Link hens.... one Sebright Bantam Hen as well
One Maran Rooster, One EE Rooster, One black Leghorn Rooster
13 mixed breed hens grown and 7 of those laying, and one mixed breed rooster grown, SOLD, and awaiting new owner.
7 newly hatched chicks in brooder,
Sebright Bantam has her 10 chicks she hatched in the insulation of our house running around who the EE Roo is the father of...
Half EE Half Sebright hen has 8 under her that should be ready to hatch soon....
and 54 in the incubator...WHEW!!! 165 more to go...

Oh, and the new dog BUCKY is off the run and foxes have LEFT THE BUILDING!!!!

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