"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Checking in at New Orleans (Algiers).  Not from here, Military  PCS here back in 2009, ended up getting out taking a different job and having a kid. So here I am still in Louisiana... I'm from CA, the wife is from TX.

Here is my "chickies" project


:welcome We welcome transplants. We're a great bunch we are all off a little in our own way. Jump in ask any and all questions. Their are no stupid questions we have all asked them in the past. If we can't answer we know who can. I'm Pam I share this account with my hubby when I post I put my name at the end so everyone knows who's, who. It's a little dead today due to the holiday. I'm on because I had a predator attack this morning. She survived with her life. So since we have so many new eggs I'll post being chicken Dr. You'll love these people!
[warning these are graphic pics. If you have a weak stomach look away!!!

Today my chickens were attacked by a pack of dogs




My neighbor heard it and called. When Ron went out. Dogs were gone and no chickens . After hearing him they came out of hiding. All were fine except one. Massive feather loss and some skin and meat loss around neck. I guess my neighbor scared them off. Have never had a dog attack where the hen survived . So here's the corse of treatment at this time. If anyone knows better feel free to let me know. I cleaned wounds with diluted beatidine. Don't use peroxide it harms tissue learned that from a vet. Let her dry then used blue cote let dry.will be staying in ICU AKA utility room. I'm going to start with honey water if I see signs of infection I'll change to antibiotics. Here are pics.
Welcome! I'm from Cali (grew up in Santa Cruz :) ), hubbys from Mass & we live here now in Baton rouge lol every member of our small family was born in a different state :gig

Checking in at New Orleans (Algiers).  Not from here, Military  PCS here back in 2009, ended up getting out taking a different job and having a kid. So here I am still in Louisiana... I'm from CA, the wife is from TX.

Here is my "chickies" project
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Poor baby! Least she's got mama to doctor her up! Good job.

I appreciate tons of pics especially when an injury or somethin unique or confusing happens! Even if those pics are graphic.

My fav are still Prim's chicken hoo-ha pics :gig
[warning these are graphic pics. If you have a weak stomach look away!!!

Today my chickens were attacked by a pack of dogs




My neighbor heard it and called. When Ron went out. Dogs were gone and no chickens . After hearing him they came out of hiding. All were fine except one. Massive feather loss and some skin and meat loss around neck. I guess my neighbor scared them off. Have never had a dog attack where the hen survived . So here's the corse of treatment at this time. If anyone knows better feel free to let me know. I cleaned wounds with diluted beatidine. Don't use peroxide it harms tissue learned that from a vet. Let her dry then used blue cote let dry.will be staying in ICU AKA utility room. I'm going to start with honey water if I see signs of infection I'll change to antibiotics. Here are pics.
Poor baby! Least she's got mama to doctor her up! Good job.

I appreciate tons of pics especially when an injury or somethin unique or confusing happens! Even if those pics are graphic.

My fav are still Prim's chicken hoo-ha pics :gig

Hey, wait a second Angel. I saw those bunny hoo-ha fotos you posted. Lol.
Happy Mom's Day to you and all the other LA-yer moms out there.
Pam, so sorry about the attack. But, so glad it's only one injured chicken. A pack of dogs can do a lot of damage. She's looking pretty good after Dr. Pam fixed her up.
[warning these are graphic pics. If you have a weak stomach look away!!!

Today my chickens were attacked by a pack of dogs




My neighbor heard it and called. When Ron went out. Dogs were gone and no chickens . After hearing him they came out of hiding. All were fine except one. Massive feather loss and some skin and meat loss around neck. I guess my neighbor scared them off. Have never had a dog attack where the hen survived . So here's the corse of treatment at this time. If anyone knows better feel free to let me know. I cleaned wounds with diluted beatidine. Don't use peroxide it harms tissue learned that from a vet. Let her dry then used blue cote let dry.will be staying in ICU AKA utility room. I'm going to start with honey water if I see signs of infection I'll change to antibiotics. Here are pics.

Bag Balm is a good protective covering. It has an antibiotic in it. Neosporin is also good. I use Blue Kote on myself, it burns like hell, but is the best. Of course probiotics and avearian vitamins can't hurt. I have nursed birds back to health that my Great Dane would catch and want to carry around in its mouth. Usually a lot of missing feathers and skin aberrations.
Checking in at New Orleans (Algiers). Not from here, Military PCS here back in 2009, ended up getting out taking a different job and having a kid. So here I am still in Louisiana... I'm from CA, the wife is from TX.

Here is my "chickies" project


Hey FishaRneKed, good to have you. Nice coop, dog and baby. Cute, cute, cute. I was going to caution you about the lock on your coop, but I bet a coon will not willingly get into the yard with that dawg.
Just finished reading up on fermenting food. I will have to give it a try this week. I gave my chickens a herb dessert today with mint, oregano, basil, garlic, crushed pecans and a slice of orange mixed up in a dish. I had to put the two older hens in the coop and let the three little hens get some first. As soon as I let the two big hens out, the little ones scattered.

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