"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hello all ! ! ! Sorry to interrupt, just wanted to wave a hand from the big city of Vinton. I also wanted to see if anyone has ordered a Cackle Surprise. I ordered mine, and is set for delivery on the 23rd. I just wanted to obtain the greatest variety possible, but my only concern would be quality of the breeds. Any opinions or suggestions?

Just a quick pic of the flock
Hello all ! ! ! Sorry to interrupt, just wanted to wave a hand from the big city of Vinton. I also wanted to see if anyone has ordered a Cackle Surprise. I ordered mine, and is set for delivery on the 23rd. I just wanted to obtain the greatest variety possible, but my only concern would be quality of the breeds. Any opinions or suggestions?

Sorry I can't help. I've never ordered chicks before. But can't wait to see you post pics of them!
Will do that campingshaws!! I have a beautiful BLRW roo that came from Meyers. I plan on purchasing from breeders in the future.
Beautiful chicks Pam! Love the assorted colors!

I ended up with four more RIR chicks. Not a great hatch, but considering they were shipped eggs & I let them sit an extra 2 days, I can't complain - it was a 50% hatch overall. Chicks look fine & healthy. I will once again attempt to feather-sex them & see if these come out like the last ones -- we guessed correctly on the last hatch - 3 girls & 3 boys - there was one we weren't sure of but we figured either 3 & 3 or 2 & 4 so we were pretty accurate!

OK time to get to work, have a good day everybody! and stay warm! It is a balmy 29 here with a very chilly wind!

Have you double checked your incubator? I did mine after this last hatch and It's off 2 degree's after 4 hatches so I'll be calling them it's still under warrenty. Pam
Hello all ! ! ! Sorry to interrupt, just wanted to wave a hand from the big city of Vinton. I also wanted to see if anyone has ordered a Cackle Surprise. I ordered mine, and is set for delivery on the 23rd. I just wanted to obtain the greatest variety possible, but my only concern would be quality of the breeds. Any opinions or suggestions?


It looks like you have a nice variety in your flock there! I've never ordered from Cackle either. I bet there are some reviews here on byc though. If you do a general search of Cackle or Cackle Hatchery, it should pull up any mention of them in the forums.
I have 3 or 4 days left on my hatch. I'm keeping busy and distracting my self with other tasks. I'm not even going to take the turner out this time. I'm just going to shut it off when it's level. I've done things a lot more hands off this time, just to try something different. :fl

My hatch a batch app says I'm at 81% but with bantams I like to be ready a day early, just in case.

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