"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I've been a member here for a long time.  I didn't know this thread existed.  Being a pedigreed French Cajun, I love my people.  Please forgive me for writing sooo much here.  It's been like being a kid in a candy store!  Y'all have my word I will refrain from writing so much.

But, I do have 1 more question for now and, I'll shut up for a good long while.  I will probably start hatching some eggs in about a week.  You guys are always talking about supplements and meds you give your birds.  Could y'all please list them and what the meds are used to treat?  I would like to have some of them on hand if a problem arises.  Which ones would be the most important to buy first?

Thanks in advance!  Now I'll shut up for a few pages at least.

Don't stop talking now! I love a good story teller!
@bigoledude I hear you. I'm a half bleed myself as Justin Wilson would have said. I too am proud of my heritage. Welcome to the group and feel free to talk as much as you like.
No need to shut up? I love having folks to visit with. :)

Everyone prefers different things, so I'll tell you the things I keep on hand that work for me:

Sav-a-chick electrolytes
Sav-a-chick probiotics
- these are both supplements that can be found at TSC and other feed stores. One pack mixes into a gallon of water, and they can be used together. I keep these on hand at all times. I use them for newly hatched chicks until they leave the brooder, and for any chicken that has been sick or needs a "boost."

Corid powder
- this is found in the cattle section and is used to treat coccidia. I think amprolium is the active ingredient. Also good to have on hand, just in case. If I see droopy wings, ruffled feathers, and lethargy then I treat for coccidia. Also bloody poops, but that last the "big" sign that there's a problem. Treatment is 1.5 teaspoons for 1 gallon for five days (severe outbreak dose). There are also moderate outbreak and preventative doses that I can't remember because I don't use them. Corid kills the gut flora, both good and bad, and should be followed with the probiotics water.

Tylan 50
- this is an antibiotic that's mostly used for respiratory infections. I use it most often for complications from fowl pox, which I get every year. I use an oral dose by weight and only when I think the chicken can't be saved without it.

Chicken first aid kit:
-VetRX: an herbal liquid that can go in and around the beak. Can relieve respiratory symptoms. It's like Vicks vaporub for chickens, herbal and soothing.

-blu kote: this is a spray that stains the skin (and all your clothes) a lovely indigo blue. ;) It's antibacterial, anti fungal, and I think antibiotic. I've used it for everything from dog attacks to bald spots from a bad molt. It keeps the flock from picking at bare skin or pin feathers.

Saline wound spray, triple antibiotic ointment (without pain killers), iodine or betadine, sterile gloves, cotton swabs, vet wrap, clean syringes and aquarium air hose (for tubing food/fluids to sick birds) extra thermometers, extra heat lamps (sick/injured birds heal faster when warm), and I think that's it for mine.

Hope this helps. :)

Great info camping!!!

If only one is showing signs I would seperate that one now, then watch the others for any signs. It's bad enough to have one sick one, but to have them all sick would be terrible.

Agreed. Definitely separate soon. Don't do like I did and wait too long. Btw, I finally got around to depopulating my flock today. It really sucked and I'm a little down about it but I think I did the right thing for the birds and my future birds. Mycoplasma sucks
Great info camping!!!
Agreed. Definitely separate soon. Don't do like I did and wait too long. Btw, I finally got around to depopulating my flock today. It really sucked and I'm a little down about it but I think I did the right thing for the birds and my future birds. Mycoplasma sucks

You did the right thing for sure. No need for them to suffer with something that will never go away. I'm sure it wasn't easy to do or to explain to the kids. My heart hurts with you.
Thanks for everyone's thoughts. I have about decided to keep the dog. Like Pam said, it's more my fault than his. I should have secured the run a little better. I know that I simply will never be able to trust him around the chickens though.I
I hear ya Brother.

My son down east bank Plaquemines has a working Jack Russell and a working Patterdale. I love these two lil dogs like crazy. (I think as we get older we get softer). It's weird because when I go over to my son's house, they both come up to me and love on me. My son and grandson are amazed because they don't do that with anyone else! And, I'm lovin every minute of it.

The issue is; If either one of these little maniacs ever got in with the chickens, they would kill every one within seconds. I don't think most people have an idea how fast dogs can kill every bird in sight! But, anyway, as a young man I would have had zero patience with a stock killer dog. Now, I wouldn't raise a hand to either one of these great little maniacs! It would most assuredly be OUR FAULT if they got to the birds. I guess it's kinda like the Paw Paw syndrome!! Grandkids and favorite dogs get away with more.

I'm glad you're keeping your dog! My son's wouldn't believe for one second that I'd take this view.
I've been a member here for a long time.  I didn't know this thread existed.  Being a pedigreed French Cajun, I love my people.  Please forgive me for writing sooo much here.  It's been like being a kid in a candy store!  Y'all have my word I will refrain from writing so much.

But, I do have 1 more question for now and, I'll shut up for a good long while.  I will probably start hatching some eggs in about a week.  You guys are always talking about supplements and meds you give your birds.  Could y'all please list them and what the meds are used to treat?  I would like to have some of them on hand if a problem arises.  Which ones would be the most important to buy first?

Thanks in advance!  Now I'll shut up for a few pages at least.

Don't stop that's what makes it fun mixed with useful info. I see Camping gave you a good list for a chicken first aid kit. Get a few now a few next week till you have it all you will use it .I'll add betadine, Use it diluted, Peroxide isn't good for there skin and soft tissue. Pam
No other birds in or out? It could be as simple as dusty, damp, or moldy bedding. Are they outside or still in a brooder?

At this point unless you have some tests done it's hard to say. You could try the VetRX if you have some, or just watch is for a few days.

Can you post pics? Sometimes that helps.

If you see red droppings or bloody droppings start Corid asap. Once you see other symptoms Like puffed up feathers and gasping for air a lot of the time it's too late. Pam
Thanks for everyone's thoughts.  I have about decided to keep the dog. Like Pam said, it's more my fault than his.  I should have secured the run a little better.  I know that I simply will never be able to trust him around the chickens though.

Right now you can't and some you never can. Our last German Shepard came from the pound. She couldn't be trusted around my cat after a few months she was best friends with the cats. Then we bought a small flock for eggs. I watched her like a hawk she would stalk them. After staying on her every time I saw her stalking them for a few months not only did she stop but I could leave home with them all out and come home with no problems. She turned out to be a livestock guardian dog. Now my male I have now has prey drive in hyper drive. I can leave them all out he won't jump the fence to get them. He doesn't charge the gate to get in their yard. But I would never let them free range in the yard with him. His line is breed for Schutzhund so all his drives are high. I taught him to track and he loves it so he has an outlet for all that energy. A well exercised dog is a good dog. Glad your keeping him. Pam
Great info camping!!!
Agreed. Definitely separate soon. Don't do like I did and wait too long. Btw, I finally got around to depopulating my flock today. It really sucked and I'm a little down about it but I think I did the right thing for the birds and my future birds. Mycoplasma sucks

I know it does. It's a bad blow to have to deal with how long before you can have chickens? When ever that is I will help you out as I've said before. Not only is it hard emotionally it's expensive. Sorry you had to go though this. It's a reminder to all of us to be vigilant about there health. FYI for everyone asking about that first aid kit diatimaious earth will keep them form
getting lice and kill any that comes into contact with them. Get food grade put it where they take a dust bath. Pam

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