"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Wow! I miss a day and you guys go crazy with fuzzy butt pictures!

Nice baby pic everyone! Love the polish hair do. He needs a bottle of that morning hair tamer. LOL

The coop is coming along great Johnny, keep it up!

I think I have pneumonia. Could be bronchitis. Who knows. Chest is rattling and hard to breathe. I'm coughing. My head isn't stuffy and my nose isn't running. It is all in my lungs. I CANNOT afford to take any more days off of work so I have to tough it out until school is over for me -- which means I can actually go to the doctor on June 3rd-- or until I fall out. Whichever comes first. Unless, of course, I run fever. Then work will send me home forcefully. I started with my son's inhaler this morning, been taking my cough meds from last time, my usual allergy medication, and drinking lots of warm green tea with honey. I feel better today than yesterday. This mess better clear up. It doesn't seem like the same thing my son had. He had awful congestion with his cold but his lungs were clear.

I rearranged some birds yesterday and cleaned out coops for the week. Happy birds today.
Chickenbelle, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. Take care of yourself! I also caught a cold from my students. Last week, I had four of them coughing, sneezing, and with runny noses all using up the last of my tissue in my classroom. Friday morning, one of my students showed up to class with a box of Kleenex because we had run out.
I thought that was so cute -- especially for a middle schooler because they have to be so "cool". Funny thing is I'm lucky if I can get him to bring his assignment and a pencil to class -- much less show up with a box of kleenex just to be nice. I was so impressed that I gave him a sucker and let him eat it during class.

My gosling count stands at 21, less 1 that went home yesterday with Ashleigh after she so graciously came over and vent sexed the goslings for me. Thank you, Ashleigh. Unfortunately, of the 20 remaining goslings only 7 are females and the rest are males.
I should be able to put a pair together for you but the choices will be very limited. In addition, I may have to have you look the other way while I sneak an extra male in your box.

I only hatched four saddlebacks this year and I'll be keeping those for myself. Of these saddleback goslings, I had a BIG surprise in that I hatched a lavendar saddleback which is a first for me.
This little gander should be quite interesting since his dad is a gray saddleback split-to-buff, and his mother is a white goose carrying the saddleback gene and the lavendar color. Now, I need to figure out if this little guy will be carrying the gray and buff color genes in addition to his lavendar color. Hmmm, need to do some research... I also hatched a buff saddleback female that will replace my female that I lost last spring (my avatar). I hope to have better luck next year hatching a few more saddlebacks.
No one is on-line!!! I want to scream with joy that I have 2 new fuzzy butts. You guys have made me green with envy and so hungry for some babies. You really are enablers. Samantha, thank you so much for the sweet babies. Your family is so beautiful and it was especially nice to meet you. It's so peaceful out there where you are.

I have to show you my new babies. Their names are Elizabeth and Amanda. We really hope they are girls, otherwise they will be Burt and Andy. We took some great fotos and video with my camera, but I don't know how to upload from that camera, but this will give you an idea, taken with my phone:

Those two are so cute! Enjoy!
I want to share updated pics of my new babies. They're 3 weeks old now.

Cassidy, partridge silkie

Godiva, chocolate silkie. Look how fuzzy her feet are.

unnamed and Pipsqueak, paint silkies

Hansel and Gretel, cuckoo polish. Their little crests are 'sprouting' Hansel's is pretty unruly right now.

Nice. I love the chocolate one.
Julie, congrats on your goslings. You did a great job hatching those eggs!!

On the peacocks, wasn't it Terri's girls that had to talk to your peahens last year? They need to get their act together.
Hope they start laying soon.
Nope, Julie's girls beat mine last year too-- and they are all sisters, go figure!!! I have the slowpokes.

Went to feed & water the Inglewood chicks yesterday morning & a state trooper stopped me as I was heading down the road on the farm ATV & told me there was a loose horse & did I know who it belonged to -- sure enough, big brown horse wearing a halter galloping across the fields - never saw it before around here. I called a couple of people & of course nobody was home but I left messages & hopefully somebody caught it - it had galloped out of sight & has thousands of acres to run across where it was heading, the last time I caught sight of it.

The feral barn cat has moved her five kittens into an old armadillo tunnel behind the hedge in front of our house. Lovely. The dogs are spending most of their time barking out the living room windows at the kittens, and the kittens run into the tunnel every time anybody comes slightly close to them, I can't get a net behind there to get them, am afraid to run water in the tunnel for fear they'll drown, they are too lightweight to trip my live trap - any suggestions anybody? I have a crate set up covered with a sheet & am putting food & water in it along w/a blanket to hopefully coax them in to getting used to going in there. Don't ask me how I'll get the door closed before they dart out -- haven't figured that part out yet! never a dull moment around here....
After much destruction at our house the past few weeks, we began calling the sheriff's department about the neighbor's horse on the loose here. I'm tired of almost hitting it when it is standing in the middle of the road. I am tired of it trying to push its way into my coops to get chicken feed. I am tired of it dragging our buckets we use for cleaning coops halfway across the property. We had to call twice within three days. After the warning, the idiot started penning the horse during the day and letting it out at night. Same thing moron! So we moved our camera angle to catch it on film the next night. Sure enough, there he was again. Sheriff's deputy told him this time that if they received one more call about the horse that they would be coming out with animal control in tow to remove EVERY animal they had. That means both horses, the cow, all of the hog dogs, the chickens, and the piglets.

I am really looking forward to those goslings! I felt too miserable this weekend to do any work on any new coops or runs for animals. Hopefully I can get back at it soon. I did get a few veggies planted. Late, yes, but I have been so busy with birds that I haven't gotten around to it.

Happy Monday everyone!
Cute birds everyone. Nice coops. Congrats on all new hatched birds. Good luck on all eggs in the bator and under hens. And congrats on anything that I missed.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Awwwwwwwwww. I will have the girls text your girls and tell them to get on the ball. :)

Julie, congrats on your goslings. You did a great job hatching those eggs!!

On the peacocks, wasn't it Terri's girls that had to talk to your peahens last year? They need to get their act together.  :lau    Hope they start laying soon.

Thanks Twiley. Hatching those girls wore me out. Now it's time to get worn out again with the pea eggs.

My pea girls (sisters to Terri's girls) were the first one to lay eggs. But they did text Terri's girls right after to tell them to get with it. :)

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