"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

She thinks she is their mama! Ha! She follows them around and sits and watches until they move to a new spot.
Awww. She's so cute. Obviously takes her role seriously as a "chicken guard."

A few pics from the weekend.

Sunday hatching. My little banty girl hatched a gosling . I had 2 eggs under her and 1 has hatched so far.

My berry bush is looking good.

The gosling is huge compared to the banty. Won't be long at all till it outgrows her.
I see some blackberry wine in your future!

New fotos of the babies. They are starting to feather. They grow up so fast. Also a foto of my make-shift brooder. It has worked great. Of course, they want to always be together and are quite loud about being separated. They are content in my hands as long as I am holding both of them. LOL
Their combs are still completely pale with no hint of pink. Still hoping they are both girls.

They're little cuties for sure.
I'm so upset, I use to let my flock free range during the day, but not going to be able to allow them out their coop/ run any more. I was outside today heard a loud noise went to get up to check, here comes 1 of my black sex links with Rooster right behind her & behind him a FOX! What the heck it was 3 pm bright & sunny myself & 4 dogs outside. Stupid fox all most ran over 1 of my dogs I Tossed a pair of tin snips at the stupid thing & it ran in the woods. Will be keeping my cats inside also & dogs will only be allowed out when I am. This is going to be just as hard on me I love having my flock out & about
I'm so upset, I use to let my flock free range during the day, but not going to be able to allow them out their coop/ run any more. I was outside today heard a loud noise went to get up to check, here comes 1 of my black sex links with Rooster right behind her & behind him a FOX! What the heck it was 3 pm bright & sunny myself & 4 dogs outside. Stupid fox all most ran over 1 of my dogs I Tossed a pair of tin snips at the stupid thing & it ran in the woods. Will be keeping my cats inside also & dogs will only be allowed out when I am. This is going to be just as hard on me I love having my flock out & about
Can you try to trap it??? It would be awful for everyone to be locked up. Dang fox!!
I'd be a bit concerned you or the dogs didn't deter it in the 1st place. They're generally skittish here and sneak around in low light hours. Be careful after it's trapped, it may be suffering a disease causing it to become so braisin. I hope you get it quick and get to relax again soon!
Hi, guys. These are my bunnies, almost 5 months old. They are from the same litter, they're sisters. Does anyone know what breed they are????

I ave no idea but they sure are cute!

I'm so upset, I use to let my flock free range during the day, but not going to be able to allow them out their coop/ run any more. I was outside today heard a loud noise went to get up to check, here comes 1 of my black sex links with Rooster right behind her & behind him a FOX! What the heck it was 3 pm bright & sunny myself & 4 dogs outside. Stupid fox all most ran over 1 of my dogs I Tossed a pair of tin snips at the stupid thing & it ran in the woods. Will be keeping my cats inside also & dogs will only be allowed out when I am. This is going to be just as hard on me I love having my flock out & about
I've seen them during daylight around here, too. Hope you get it trapped soon!

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