"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I hope that everyone had a great 3 day weekend. I wish that I could rest on the weekend but it's just not possible. I guess when people like us have critters, there is always something to do, so no rest for the weary and I am weary and tired.

Well this is what I did over the course of the last 4 days.

I put Club 50 (the 50 free chicks) outside in one of the stalls. This was there first time outside over the weekend. They did great.

I am bottle feeding 2 lambs 3 times a day.
One of them (the male) is guzzling down about 7 ounces of milk replacement at each feeding while the other (female) is eating about 3 - 4 ounces of milk replacement. She had a little diarrhea and it kinda worried me. I went out and purchased some Colostrum and fed that to her. I never really noticed if lambs drink water at such an early age (and Gracie, please feel free to comment on this), so I decided to fill a bottle with 9 ounces water to see if the baby with the diarrhea would drink it. Well lo and behold, she sucked down 7 1/2 ounces of water. I was so happy. It was very hot and although they have a lot of shade, I'm was worried about dehydration. So, her little tummy was full after her bottle of water. I have to keep an eye on her poop.
Someone came over and purchased all of the poults that I had left which was 7 new babies. He also placed an order for 6 peas when they start hatching. I was like, "HUH"? Did you say 6 peas? After doing an "assessment" on him to see if he was set up and had the space for 6 peas, I was surprised in that he sounds like he can handle them. He has 20 acres of land and has chicken houses, coops, etc. Now, the big part is will I be able to sell my pea babies.
The jury is still out on that.

And my solid white Pea (Prince) that I once thought was a male, well, the name may be changing to "Princess". I'm not sure it's a male anymore.
Prince or Princesses birthday is Thursday. He/She will be 1 year old. I may throw him/her a pea party with all kind of treats.

The pea girls are laying again. They are up to 6 eggs. I am collecting them when I see them. The last time I left the eggs in their pen, 2 eggs were cracked. I still haven't sold that mystery. Soooooooo, no more leaving any eggs in their pen.

Sunday will be lock down for the 4 pea eggs, 2 turkey eggs and 10 (I think) guinea eggs. I did not candle, so I have no idea what is going on with the eggs. I guess I'll just wait. I have been collecting the pea eggs for the last 4 days, so I'll continue to collect those. I may put them under a broody hen for a few days until the eggs in the incubator hatch and them move them to the incubator. I don't trust the girls to incubate for the entire 28 days.

The baby gosling enjoyed their long weekend outside all day. As soon as the sun was up, I put them outside and brought them in after dark. A guy came over and bought 4 of the larger babies, so I am down to 11 left and I have an order for all of the white geese. I don't know if I'm going to sell all of them. I want to keep some from this year's hatch.

Well, it was time for me to bring in the 11 babies. So, I go to their make-shift pen last night about 9:00 PM and I only see 8 babies. I panicked and started looking for them. Well, i couldn't find them anywhere and I didn't hear them. So, I picked up the 8 and put them in the garage and set out to look for the missing 3. Well, something told me to go in the chicken yard and find Satan's Army. Well, I did and this is what I found.

They waited until dark before they pulled a Zero-Dark-Thirty Covert Operation. They STOLE 3 OF THEM!!! They saw me coming and tried to run and hide them in the chicken house.

I knew that they were up to something all weekend long. And they proved me RIGHT. Only at my place . This is what I have to put up with.

I bottled the strawberry wine yesterday.

I didn't have a triple yoker but I had 2 double yokers for breakfast. I can usually tell that the larger eggs will be double yokers. I think I may experiment and try to hatch a double yoker in the future. I have only known one person to hatch a double yoker and both chicks survived. Adding that to my list.

I still have hens setting on goose, turkey and guinea eggs. We'll see what hatches.
I think that's all for me.

Have a great week everyone !!!!!!!!
Wow! Spring time is busy over at your place.

Good luck bottle feeding the lambs. I've always enjoyed bottle feeding when necessary. "heads up" on bottle feeding that ram lamb -- the ram lambs that we bottle fed ALL turned out to be extremely aggressive when they matured. I don't know if it was something we did in raising them that made them aggressive or if it was something in their personality. Anyway, pay close attention to the male as he matures. One of the male lambs charged at my dad and when my dad stepped aside the lamb slammed his head into the wall. Could have really hurt my dad. The ewe lambs that we bottle fed matured to be very sweet and gentle.
Wow!  Spring time is busy over at your place.

Good luck bottle feeding the lambs. I've always enjoyed bottle feeding when necessary. "heads up" on bottle feeding that ram lamb -- the ram lambs that we bottle fed ALL turned out to be extremely aggressive when they matured. I don't know if it was something we did in raising them that made them aggressive or if it was something in their personality. Anyway, pay close attention to the male as he matures. One of the male lambs charged at my dad and when my dad stepped aside the lamb slammed his head into the wall. Could have really hurt my dad. The ewe lambs that we bottle fed matured to be very sweet and gentle.

Thanks for the heads up. Funny you should mention that, the little turd head butted my leg this weekend. Right then and there, I saw lamb chops. :drool He already has an appointment at the butcher in Eunice. I will try my best to fatten him up for the freezer. Sorry to hear about your dad. Aggressive was how all of my rams had a standing appointment at the butcher. One of my rams rammed someone at my house up against a dog kennel and that person got a lump on their head. Within 30 minutes he was at the butcher in Eunice. I had another one that rammed me and I didn't want to take him to the butcher but I was always watching my back when I was out feeding and I didn't want him to kill me when I turned my back, so off he went. To this day, I can still taste how delicious all of them were. :drool

I'm hoping that the ewe turns out to be sweet.

As soon as they hear my voice, they know it's feeding time. The start crying and running towards the pen door. When I walk into the pen, they run up to my calf and start hitting their head against my calf and wanting their bottle. It is too funny to see. They down those bottles in less than 5 minutes. Then they go sit down and take a nap. Now, I want to get those curved bottles. It seems as it would work best for them. I found some at WalMart that I will get for them. I thought about bibs but then I figured not. :gig
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She said they finally caught the 2 dogs. Hasnt responded to the fact that they killed my chickens.

Her response "Well i know it wasnt my dogs. They've been around chickens before. Someone down the road said my dogs killed their chickens too but it wasnt them. Idk what is happening"
She said they finally caught the 2 dogs. Hasnt responded to the fact that they killed my chickens.

Her response "Well i know it wasnt my dogs. They've been around chickens before. Someone down the road said my dogs killed their chickens too but it wasnt them. Idk what is happening"

SERIOUSLY??????????? Sounds like they will never fess up to it. Unfortunately, and this would burn my bottom, there is nothing they will do about it. They will never admit that their dogs did it. And how do they know it wasn't their dogs?
SERIOUSLY??????????? Sounds like they will never fess up to it. Unfortunately, and this would burn my bottom, there is nothing they will do about it. They will never admit that their dogs did it. And how do they know it wasn't their dogs?
I told her I dont care what she THINKS her dogs did, Im telling her what her dogs DID DO. So now, myself, and another neighbor have accused her dogs of killing chickens but she still refuses to believe it. So, I told her that if her dogs EVER step foot in my yard again, that it will be the last yard they do. I hate to be like that but......
I dont mind the neighbors animals visiting my house, but I do mind them killing my animals.
SERIOUSLY??????????? Sounds like they will never fess up to it. Unfortunately, and this would burn my bottom, there is nothing they will do about it. They will never admit that their dogs did it. And how do they know it wasn't their dogs?

I told her I dont care what she THINKS her dogs did, Im telling her what her dogs DID DO. So now, myself, and another neighbor have accused her dogs of killing chickens but she still refuses to believe it. So, I told her that if her dogs EVER step foot in my yard again, that it will be the last yard they do. I hate to be like that but......
I dont mind the neighbors animals visiting my house, but I do mind them killing my animals.

She knows it was her dogs. She doesn't want to admit it. Now you have to do what you have to do. ;)
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to say hi and hope everyone had a wonderful memorial day. :)
I told her I dont care what she THINKS her dogs did, Im telling her what her dogs DID DO. So now, myself, and another neighbor have accused her dogs of killing chickens but she still refuses to believe it. So, I told her that if her dogs EVER step foot in my yard again, that it will be the last yard they do. I hate to be like that but......
I dont mind the neighbors animals visiting my house, but I do mind them killing my animals.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that :( Do what you have to do to protect your animals.
Quote: PSJ, I'm so sorry about your chickens. What does she think her dogs have been doing for food since she abandoned them? She left them, there to fend for themselves and find food however they could. She set this tragedy in motion and she's the only one not suffering the consequences of her actions. She should be ashamed. Karma will catch up to her.

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