"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Good Friday morning! Back from our little vacation/family visit. Man! Why is it that you always feel like you need a vacation, AFTER your vacation?? I got some rest yesterday and last night, so feeling a little more like myself now. We had a good time in Branson, MO.

All my chickens look good and were happy to see us. We had a friend take care of them while we were gone. My poor spoiled doggies though........they were boarded at the vets office(great vet!) and they even had a nice bath at the end of their stay. But the way they acted bringing them home you would have thought they were being tortured. They were SO HAPPY to be home!!! Lol!

Tons of work to do around here and I'm not doing it at the moment. Instead I'm sitting in the bed next to my sweet youngest. She is congested, coughing and running a fever since last night. Hopefully this will be the last icky, sicky that we have before school starts up.
Good morning , I was wondering. If anyone is doing ff and if so do you ever get mold growing . The chicks seem to like it very much . But after about a week it starts to get what seems like mold. Any help would be appreciated . This. Week sucked for me I lost the best cat ever. Real bummer! Anyway have good week life goes on but with remember life is what it is so make everyday a good day no matter what's thrown at you.
Good morning , I was wondering. If anyone is doing ff and if so do you ever get mold growing . The chicks seem to like it very much . But after about a week it starts to get what seems like mold. Any help would be appreciated . This. Week sucked for me I lost the best cat ever. Real bummer! Anyway have good week life goes on but with remember life is what it is so make everyday a good day no matter what's thrown at you.

I'm sorry about your cat. A great pet is hard to lose. I've had a few that years later I still can't look at fotos of them. My heart goes out to you. I hope today is a good day.
Awww, Sorry about your kitty! Its awful losing a long time beloved pet. We lost our 12 year old Siamese last year. For some reason not long before he passed my girls actually had saved some of his hair after grooming him. They washed it good, braided it and let it dry, then made a little pouch to put it into for safekeeping. It was such a sweet way for them to express how much they loved him. And kind of timely too since he basically had a stroke a few months later. My oldest has a pic of him on her bookshelf. I don't ever think we will find another like him. He was awesome!

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