"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

My youngest gave me an early birthday present Saturday morning...his VIRUS!!! My boys brought me "birthday flowers" Sunday with a pack of BeeCool forhead gels in them. I'm up and moving...not running! I'm trying to drag myself outside to the barn, as I've got 7 stalls to clean. Also, need to scoop out the coop. It's days like this that I don't appreciate all the work that comes along with the animals.

The virus was good for a loss of 5 lbs, always good to go into the holiday season down a few...that's about the only positive.

Hope all is well with everyone.

KuntryGirl has been online, just not our forum...I wonder what's wrong?
That sucks! Happy Belated Birthday!
Even better to let their imaginations run wild lol
I did have to kill a black widow spider on one before I moved it :eek:   That kind of caught me off guard.  Glad I saw it though.  And I don't even want to know who saw me rolling them down the little hill to the car.  I was giving them gentle nudges with my foot.  They probably thought I was a bit off, lol.:oops:   But FREE is FREE.  That's what hubby always says.
My youngest gave me an early birthday present Saturday morning...his VIRUS!!! My boys brought me "birthday flowers" Sunday with a pack of BeeCool forhead gels in them. I'm up and moving...not running! I'm trying to drag myself outside to the barn, as I've got 7 stalls to clean. Also, need to scoop out the coop. It's days like this that I don't appreciate all the work that comes along with the animals.

The virus was good for a loss of 5 lbs, always good to go into the holiday season down a few...that's about the only positive.

Hope all is well with everyone.

KuntryGirl has been online, just not our forum...I wonder what's wrong?

Tell him not to give anything he wouldn't want to get back! Try not to get him reinfected so you can break the cycle. Happy birthday and I hope you feel better soon!

Yes, she has been online but hasn't posted on anyone's forum in 6 days. Ours was the last one she posted on. She may just be busy, no telling how many babies popped up over there...
Rhonda finally shut the registration down for our show Saturday. Here are the numbers...

Total birds entered 743

There is just over 200 Lg Fowl (I think 207)
Right at 499 Bantams
About 36 Water Fowl
And 2 Turkey

It's free to walk in and look around! There will be people selling things, birds for sale, food and drinks available, rest rooms, games for the kids and so on and so on. We will be at the Parker Collisum right in the heart of LSU's campus next to the show barn. Doors open at 9am and I'm guessing we will be there til 5pm. Plenty free parking out side and plenty to do and see.

We hope to see you there!

PM me if you have any questions!!
Chris Herzog
Rhonda finally shut the registration down for our show Saturday. Here are the numbers...

Total birds entered 743

There is just over 200 Lg Fowl (I think 207)
Right at 499 Bantams
About 36 Water Fowl
And 2 Turkey

It's free to walk in and look around! There will be people selling things, birds for sale, food and drinks available, rest rooms, games for the kids and so on and so on. We will be at the Parker Collisum right in the heart of LSU's campus next to the show barn. Doors open at 9am and I'm guessing we will be there til 5pm. Plenty free parking out side and plenty to do and see.

We hope to see you there!

PM me if you have any questions!!
Chris Herzog
Can't wait!
Good afternoon Layers. It’s been a few days since I last logged on. I hope that everyone is doing well. I will have to go back and catch up on all the days that I missed. Thanks to everyone for checking up on me while I was absent. I thought that my big ole mouth wouldn’t be missed but I guess that I was wrong. I took a vacation for several days with a group of 6 other college girlfriends. We get together every few years and have a good time. I left on Thursday and returned on Sunday night but had to take a few of them to the airport on Monday to catch their flights out. Our group consists of girls from Florida, Tennessee, Delaware, Washington D.C., Michigan and them myself from Louisiana. We have been friends for about 25 years. We met in college and have remained very good friends after we graduated from college. The funny thing is that we are all alike and we can’t get along after 1 day. All we do is fuss and fight but we sacrifice our lives by meeting every few years to torment one another. Can you imagine a group of 7 people like ME together for 4 days? It wasn’t pretty but we had a great time threatening each other’s lives. LOL Sad to say that all of the fun ended when I came home to find that my neighbor almost killed all of my animals. This is the 2nd time that I have gone out of town for 2 days or more and asked my neighbor to care for my animals and she failed me. I should have learned the first time. I walked her through exactly what needed to be done while I was gone. I explained that all of the feeders were full on Thursday and all of the waterers had clean water in them including the pools. When the feeders are overflowing, the feed will last until the next evening, so she didn’t have to feed until Friday evening. This included the water as well. I bagged up feed for 3 days for my feral cats. This included the cup to scoop out the cat feed. I also bagged the feed for the goat for 3 days as well. The feed for the other animals was mixed and ready to be scooped out in the containers in the feed storage house. All she had to do was scoop it out into the bucket and pour it in the feeders. I had 2 sets of ducklings that needed feed and water every day. That crumble feed was also available. The sheep were in their grazing area and they had hay. They were good. All that was needed for them was to make sure that they had water but I had 4 large 55 gallons that are cut in half and used for water troughs that were filled with water. The rabbit feeders were filled with rabbit feed but required water every day. The same for the peas. So, we did a walk through and she said that she understood and didn’t have any questions. I also told her that any eggs that were layed, she could keep as a thank you for helping me. Well, while I was gone, I called her every day to make sure that the animals were ok. She said that everything was fine and not to worry. So, I said ok but still called to check on the animals. Well, I returned home on Sunday about 4:30 PM with 2 of my friends that were going to stay overnight. As soon as I drive up, I noticed that all of the animals started charging towards the fence and the chickens and ducks started flying over the fence and running to me and this seemed so strange. While we were outside a customer drove up and my neighbor also walked across to meet me. While I was tending to my customer, I introduced my girlfriends to my neighbor and asked if they could talk while I waited on my customer. After I was done with my customer, I returned and met my girlfriends and my neighbor. My neighbor didn’t stay long after that. When my neighbor left my girlfriends told me that my neighbor had told them that she sold me 90 birds and that she was responsible for me getting started with my chickens. I almost passed out when my friends told me that. They said, she also said that she sold me some chickens and I didn’t have enough money to pay for the chickens and she told me to pay for them when I could. Oh, I was even more furious when I heard that. I asked my friends were they joking with me (because they are big jokesters) and they said no. They both confirmed that they heard the same story. Oh, I was sooooooooooooooooooo mad when I heard this and my friends knew it. Why would my neighbor just tell a bold face lie like that about me? I asked my friends did they misunderstand her words and meanings because she is old and has a STRONG Cajun accent and my friends are from another state and do not understand our dialect/accent. They said that they heard what they heard. They tried to calm me down but it wasn’t working. So, we walked into the chicken yard and my evening got worst.

I walked into the chicken yard to find the following problems:

1. The feeders for the chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and guineas were BARE. Not one single drop of feed in the feeder. Looked like they had not been fed in at least 1 day.
2. The waterers were filled with muddy water, so they didn’t have fresh water for 3 days.
3. The pools were filled with filthy muddy water, so no fresh water to swim and bath in for 3 days.
4. Both sets of ducklings had absolutely no feed and the water was filthy muddy water. I don’t know how many days they had not eaten.
5. The goat’s feeder was EMPTY! She left the goat feed in the feed storage building. She had not even untied the bag of goat feed, so my goat did not eat for 3 days.
6. And this is by far the worst. A few of the rabbits had WET FEED. What she did was that she did not pay attention to where she was putting what. She filled the feeder with water and wet the rabbit pellets. She put rabbit pellets in the waterers. So the rabbits had no water for maybe 3 days!!!!!!!!!
7. Cat food also came back. There should not have been any cat food that was returned. It was measured equally for 3 days.

There was only 1 thing that she did perfectly and that was picking all of the eggs and take home.

I was FURIOUS when I saw this. My friends knew that I was mad and tried to calm me down from going to her house and being arrested later. In addition to her telling lies about me, SHE DIDN’T FEED MY ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn’t take it anymore, so I called her. I told her that my friends told me that she said that she sold me 90 birds. I asked her when did that happen. She said that she didn’t tell them that. She said that she told them that SHE had 90 birds at one time. So, I told her that my friends told me that she said that she sold me some birds and I couldn’t afford to pay for them. She said that she didn’t tell them that. She said that she told them that she use to sell eggs to people and sometimes, they couldn’t afford to pay for the eggs. I told her that my friends told me that she said that she is the reason for getting me started with birds. She also said that she didn’t say that. After that, I couldn’t talk to her anymore, I told her that I had to complete my chores and I think I hung up on her. While I was talking to her, I put the phone to my friend’s ear so that they could hear her response. Their mouths were wide open. I know that my friends would not lie, so I don’t know what made her say that. Maybe she thought that she was making herself look good and thought that my friends would not come back and repeat what she said but they did. I didn’t even get into her not feeding my animals because I would have crossed the line and ruined my relationship with her from what I would have said to her. Sometimes, you have to shut your mouth before you say something to REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hurt a person’s feelings and I have that kinda mouth when pushed to my limits. I have a tongue that can cut you deep and I don’t even have to touch you. I knew what I was capable of saying but I didn’t. She would have been scared for life with the words that I could have said.

I was so furious Sunday night. My blood pressure went up. I had a headache all night Sunday and all day Monday. I am trying to not let all of this worry me but it’s hard. How can you NOT feed and water and care for my animals as you promised you would? I trusted that she could do that. She lied to me and I can never trust her again for anything. If she couldn’t do it, she should have said something. This is the same neighbor that you hear me talking about when I say that buy things for her because she is on a fixed income and doesn’t have money to buy groceris. Well she can forget that happening EVER again. I am so done with her. I know that she will probably come over to explain and apologize for any misunderstanding. Right now, I can’t talk to her for fear of what I am capable of telling her, so it’s not good that I talk to her right now. I am still furious, so I can’t talk to her when I am mad. I would most likely tell her something to hurt her feeling and I don’t want to do that.

I guess looking on the bright side, none of my animals died but if I would have been gone for a few more days, I honestly think that I would have lost some animals. I can’t even tell you all how I am feeling about all of this. I am trying to get my mind off of what happened but it’s hard. You all know how I feel about my animals and how I care for my animals. So for something for this to happen to my animals is heart breaking. I do not treat my animals in this way. As I was trying to get their feed together, they were attacking and pushing and shoving me and each other in the feed storage building and trying to jump in the 30 gallon feed containers and 5 gallon buckets as I was preparing the feed and trying to eat from the buckets because they were starving. I couldn’t walk out of the feed storage building without pushing them out of the way. They were so hungry. It was an awful sight to see. As I was pouring the feed in all of the feeders, I was telling them that I was sorry that they had not eaten in days and it would not happen again. I am still not over this and I don’t know when I will come down from the angry and furious mood that I am in. I cannot believe that she lied to me. I will close for now because I am getting upset all over again.

Have a good evening everyone. :(
Oh my God, Julie I am SO SO sorry this happened to you! To have trusted somebody to do right & have that happen. I, too am beyond furious that this would happen. I wish you could have that person arrested! It definitely was a “cruelty to animals” case. I can totally understand how upset & angry you are. Me, too!

So sorry my friend. Thank God you didn’t lose any of your precious animals. That’s the only good thing I can say about this. I hope karma comes back on that person 10,000 times over.

Oh Julie! I'm so sorry! Back to my party line of, "There's a special place in hell for people who abuse children and animals". I also agree with Terri, karma can be a b**ch! You've got to wonder what is so "wrong" in a person's life that they would say or act the way that she did.

Glad all your "babies" are safe.
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Oh Julie! I'm so sorry! Back to my party line of, "There's a special place in hell for people who abuse children and animals". I also agree with Terri, karma can be a b**ch! You've got to wonder what is so "wrong" in a person's life that they would say or act the way that she did.

Glad all your "babies" are safe.

Couldn't say it much better then that!

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