"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"


My new EE fluffy butts!

Cute cute cute!!!
Hey, I have GOT to share this recipe with you guys. If you want a cake that is blow-your-mind good and pretty much guilt free (This is a WW recipe, made even healthier by my modifications)

Pumpkin Praline Cake

15 oz canned pumpkin
12 oz fat free evaporated milk
1 large egg
1/2 cup of splenda (or sugar if you don't use artificial sweeteners)
4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 box of spice cake mix
1/2 cup of chopped pecans
1/4 of a cup of fat free "I can't believe it's not butter" , melted

  • Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat bottom and sides of a 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking pan with cooking spray.
  • Stir pumpkin, milk, egg, sugar and pumpkin pie spice,and 1/2 of the cake mix together in a medium bowl until smooth; pour into pan. Sprinkle dry cake mix over pumpkin mixture and gently press it into pumpkin mixture to moisten. Sprinkle cake with pecans and then drizzle butter evenly over top.
  • Bake, uncovered, until knife inserted in center of cake comes out clean, about 50 to 60 minutes. Cool completely before slicing into 16 pieces.

I tried this recipe today while looking for healthy Thanksgiving desserts, and it was just AMAZING!
Doesn't sound like my kinda thing but thanks anyway. All of us are different with our chicken hobbies and different is good. It would be boring if we all liked the same stuff. Diversity is always good.

Glad that all who went had fun.
Your right, breeding to the SOP and showing is not for everyone and I'm not trying to change your mind but I remember you also saying that using an incubator was not for you as well....then you bought a good one and it never got turned off for weeks.

Yes in the end they are all still chickens but unless you have seen in person what a good looking bread to the Standard of Perfection RIR or NH or BO or whatever breed you fancy is suppose to look like verses what people buy from a feed store or mail order house, you really don't know....... just like that incubator was before you bought it.

Terry and Primrosemom1,
It was good to meet you both and put a face to a name. Also Primrosemom1 thanks again for all your help today! Terry, I'll get you hooked up with some birds like I showed you of mine sooner than later and yes it would be fun to show against you next year!!!!!

You are so right Chris. Incubator ended up being a money maker which was awesome and that's my right and my business to do that last I looked. Lol.

I guess when you 175 chickens in your backyard, looking at more chickens seems boring. Like I said, seems boring to me. They all look the same to me and not interested in wanting to know more. Again, that's my right and my business. Sorry if you have a problem with that. Please don't take offense. We're all different and I embrace that.

Glad everyone had a good time.I'm sure it was a success and everyone is looking forward to next year.
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Hey, I have GOT to share this recipe with you guys. If you want a cake that is blow-your-mind good and pretty much guilt free (This is a WW recipe, made even healthier by my modifications) Pumpkin Praline Cake 15 oz canned pumpkin 12 oz fat free evaporated milk 1 large egg 1/2 cup of splenda (or sugar if you don't use artificial sweeteners) 4 tsp pumpkin pie spice 1 box of spice cake mix 1/2 cup of chopped pecans 1/4 of a cup of fat free "I can't believe it's not butter" , melted
  • Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat bottom and sides of a 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking pan with cooking spray.
  • Stir pumpkin, milk, egg, sugar and pumpkin pie spice,and 1/2 of the cake mix together in a medium bowl until smooth; pour into pan. Sprinkle dry cake mix over pumpkin mixture and gently press it into pumpkin mixture to moisten. Sprinkle cake with pecans and then drizzle butter evenly over top.
  • Bake, uncovered, until knife inserted in center of cake comes out clean, about 50 to 60 minutes. Cool completely before slicing into 16 pieces.
I tried this recipe today while looking for healthy Thanksgiving desserts, and it was just AMAZING!
Now that recipe sounds like a winner. I will have to try that. Thanks for posting the recipe.
You are so right Chris. Incubator ended up being a money maker which was awesome and that's my right and my business to do that last I looked. Lol.

I guess when you 175 chickens in your backyard, looking at more chickens seems boring. Like I said, seems boring to me. They all look the same to me and not interested in wanting to know more. Again, that's my right and my business. Sorry if you have a problem with that. Please don't take offense. We're all different and I embrace that.

Glad everyone had a good time.I'm sure it was a success and everyone is looking forward to next year.

Lol, no offence taken at all! Yep I look at and feed anywhere from 75 to over 200 chickens each and every day. Most all of my males,40+ Are in their own pen so it can be very time consuming. I look at them and decide if I'm going to feed them or if they are going to feed me.

Just saying that for what you are into, I'm assuming still the egg business among other things. By saying a blanket statement like that you may be overlooking some things with the birds that I raise that may be benificial to you in the long run.

For instance, I guess about a year ago you got a bunch of RIR chicks from I think Ideal to grow out as egg layers. Hatchery birds lay for about what 2 or 3 years and their done? My RIRs won't lay quite as many eggs per year, maybe as much as 30 less eggs per year but they will lay eggs steady for 5 or 6 years. So in the long run you would get more eggs over the life of the bird and spend less time growing out chicks. But hey to each his/ her own!
I guess I'm just baffled when I read that you would have been bored at this show but that's why they make more than one flavor of icecream.
Chris, in my neck of the woods I know what people contact in terms of what they want to buy. Absolutely NO ONE has ever contacted me about breeds for show, so my interest is not there and I would be flat broke if I had those type of show birds. My customers are everyday good ole farmers or backyard country folks who want chickens for eggs and meat for their family so that is what I cater to (in addition to other things that interest ME) I'm not overlooking a thing. My hatchery birds are not done laying at 3 years. False statement for MY birds. If I ever need advice or suggestions from anyone on how to run or operate MY business, I'll ask an expert for help. Until then, I hope that you have continued success with what you do.

I'm happy doing what I do and my opinions are just that.

I have grass in my yard and I would be bored at a grass show.

I have leaves in my yard and I would be bored at a leaf show.

I have trees in my yard and I would be bored at a tree show.

Some people like classical music and others like country. To each his own. That's the beauty of it all. God made us all to like different things. My favorite ice cream is vanilla and the next person may like strawberry. If that's what they like then great. THERE'S NOTHING MORE TO SAY!

Thanks for your comments.
Hey, I have GOT to share this recipe with you guys. If you want a cake that is blow-your-mind good and pretty much guilt free (This is a WW recipe, made even healthier by my modifications) Pumpkin Praline Cake 15 oz canned pumpkin 12 oz fat free evaporated milk 1 large egg 1/2 cup of splenda (or sugar if you don't use artificial sweeteners) 4 tsp pumpkin pie spice 1 box of spice cake mix 1/2 cup of chopped pecans 1/4 of a cup of fat free "I can't believe it's not butter" , melted
  • Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat bottom and sides of a 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking pan with cooking spray.
  • Stir pumpkin, milk, egg, sugar and pumpkin pie spice,and 1/2 of the cake mix together in a medium bowl until smooth; pour into pan. Sprinkle dry cake mix over pumpkin mixture and gently press it into pumpkin mixture to moisten. Sprinkle cake with pecans and then drizzle butter evenly over top.
  • Bake, uncovered, until knife inserted in center of cake comes out clean, about 50 to 60 minutes. Cool completely before slicing into 16 pieces.
I tried this recipe today while looking for healthy Thanksgiving desserts, and it was just AMAZING!
Omgerrrrrrrddddd, I am so making this!!!!
I was there over 2 hours w/my Mom -- didn't see even when I asked around!!! Maybe we'll get some new members because I sure was pushing us!  Mom was getting tired so we bugged out around noon. She had a hot air balloon tethered flight before we left town so she had a very full day -- and had a blast!! -- we talked all the way there & all the way home -- what a TERRIFIC WONDERFUL show!!!!! Bet you she's sound asleep right now, lol!

Omigosh I had no idea NO IDEA they grew chickens that large --- and that small! and that beautiful! Seriously, I thought I had a couple of big roos -- but that went to a whole 'nother level! those were monsters!!! NOW I understand the difference between "heritage, breeder, show quality" and the rest. I get it!

This was just AWESOME & eye-opening. I think my addiction just went to a new level.

I took some pics but none do the fowl justice, I'll upload tomorrow, my camera battery died!

I want true Aracauanas.  Good Lord, they are so pretty & unique & I LOVE LOVE LOVE the "ear tufts" on them!

and call ducks -- my gosh, they were so sweet & so darn cute!!! Did you know they "whisper" -- my heart just sank.... if I had a place to put them, I'd have them in a heartbeat & i NEVER thought I'd say that about a duck.

and Seramas - so perky & tiny & cute!

& OE games -- didn't know they were that tiny!

Seabrights - so pretty!

Silver lace wyandottes -- gorgeous coloring!

My Cuckoo Marans roo could've beaten that one I think - but my hens, I don't know. Two of them look good compared to what I saw today, two are not that good.
My Welsummers are as good as the ones I saw, I think - but again, my hens need to be bigger.

It was a wonderful day and experience & I thank all of you who helped put it on -- and HEY! -- look for me next year -- I might just be competing!!!

You know the best thing I liked about the judging was that the name of whomever bred or owns the bird was NOT on the cage tag -- OK that's cool, so unless the judges personally have run into that bird before & recognize it, they don't know who owns it -- that is so fair, eliminating bias & politics ( I know some of that goes on anyway, but still), I liked that.

5 star rating from me!
wish I could've been there!!!

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