"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

:oops:   Oh good! I'm not the only one. 

Ok. I just looked it up. It says to leave the spoon in the pot of cooking beans, don't move or take out while cooking, and the farts will climb out of the pot using the ladder and jump over the side. Thus having fart free beans. Sorry for using the "f" word, but the explanation fails without it. JS



I love the detail explanation. :lau

I love the "F" word. FART FART FART. LOL
NIPPY?!!??? This isn't NIPPY...it's FRICKIN COLD AS A WITCHES T*@ #!!!!!! I've got 7 stalls to clean...anyone want to help? I'll pay $2.00 a stall. That's what my 12 year old gets. He says that's slave labor, I said at least he's getting paid something!!
No kidding! I wish I got paid 2.00 per stall per day. That would be at least ( we always have at least 3 horses here) an extra 42.00 per week raise! I could use that to pay for 1/4 of my chicken feed per week!!!!

No kidding! I wish I got paid 2.00 per stall per day. That would be at least ( we always have at least 3 horses here) an extra 42.00 per week raise! I could use that to pay for 1/4 of my chicken feed per week!!!!


My 12 yr old cleans the stalls for service hours. He takes the money he earns (calculates the hours) and donates the money. Usually to the local group that does care packages for the military.

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