"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Most likely because of the cold it is dry skin. My girls got it last summer when we hit a dry spell and it was really hot. I put some utter butter (lotion in walmart with cow print on it, milkers use it on utters for the food safety it has) on them and that was it. If it doesn't wash off or feel like dry skin the only thing I can think of is Favus (fungal infection), if that is the case it is easily cured with athletes foot cream.
Most likely because of the cold it is dry skin. My girls got it last summer when we hit a dry spell and it was really hot. I put some utter butter (lotion in walmart with cow print on it, milkers use it on utters for the food safety it has) on them and that was it. If it doesn't wash off or feel like dry skin the only thing I can think of is Favus (fungal infection), if that is the case it is easily cured with athletes foot cream.

Thanks, I'll try that.
Yea!! I walked/ran 3.4 miles today so now I know what 5k feels like. My program is run 5 minutes walk 3 minutes. Now, I use the term"run" loosely. It really isn't a jog so much as a slog. So I slog/walk. Lol. I signed up for the St. Patrick's 5k so I will be working on it. I still won't be able to slog the whole thing, but I'll finish.

I have a LOT of respect for you. Terrific. Even in my young days I was not a runner. Reader, maybe.

This is our first Meet and we are going to have a nice raffle with poultry related prizes donated
by feed stores and other local businesses. In order to bring birds, you MUST be a member of the
LPF. Membership is free and it takes about 1 minute to join. Members that attend this event will
automatically be entered into the raffle. Please send me a PM if you need more information.
Hope to see you there!

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