"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

One of my old roosters babies just decided to crow today! Sounds just like his dad did, I love that crow. I was thinking I would have to give him his own yard and girls since my girls pecked him pretty bad when he was a month old. I had to bring him in then to heal and his rose comb is just now growing back from it. This new rooster seems to like him a lot though and won't let a hen peck him. The "mean" rooster I have now had his wing over the small one and was teaching him how to crow, it was so cute!

This is our first Meet and we are going to have a nice raffle with poultry related prizes donated
by feed stores and other local businesses. In order to bring birds, you MUST be a member of the
LPF. Membership is free and it takes about 1 minute to join. Members that attend this event will
automatically be entered into the raffle. Please send me a PM if you need more information.
Hope to see you there!

Hey! Good to see you over here!
I should have probably thought to put this up here.
That's ok, you're forgiven.
I have been posting this everywhere like crazy. Getting a good bit of interest for it. I am hoping for at least 20 sets of folks bringing birds. I would consider that a grand success!
Hey everyone. I'm in the Alexandria area. I just put down my last laying hen. :( Something has been picking them off one or two a day. After trying everything else, I finally locked them up (down to two hens and two roosters) and the "monster" still ripped a hole in the roof and took one hen out through a three inch tear. My roos are beat up and bloody, and my last hen was literally skinned alive.
SO....no more chickens in the pasture for a while. I'm moving them right next to the house and making some changes to the pen.

Does anyone know where I can get started pullets or even older hens still laying? Like I said, I'm in the central LA area, so I'd like to find someone nearby. I'll get chicks to start over with, but I need some girls to give us eggs until then. We are NOT eating store bought eggs (y'all know how it is!).

At this point I'll take just about any breed!

And btw, I'll gladly give you some rir roos!
Hey everyone. I'm in the Alexandria area. I just put down my last laying hen. :( Something has been picking them off one or two a day. After trying everything else, I finally locked them up (down to two hens and two roosters) and the "monster" still ripped a hole in the roof and took one hen out through a three inch tear. My roos are beat up and bloody, and my last hen was literally skinned alive.
SO....no more chickens in the pasture for a while. I'm moving them right next to the house and making some changes to the pen.

Does anyone know where I can get started pullets or even older hens still laying? Like I said, I'm in the central LA area, so I'd like to find someone nearby. I'll get chicks to start over with, but I need some girls to give us eggs until then. We are NOT eating store bought eggs (y'all know how it is!).

At this point I'll take just about any breed!

And btw, I'll gladly give you some rir roos!

Oh, I am so sorry. How very sad. Was this happening during the day or only at night. Could you let them into the pasture and lock them securely at night? I am sorry for your loss.
X2!!!! I was just explaining a situation to my kids yesterday.......how their Daddy keeps encouraging someone, even though they are WELL into adulthood. But sometimes it takes people a long time to gain self confidence and see their own potential. It is finally paying off for this other person who is now being hired at a much better paying job that is the kind of work that this person is GREAT at!! They deserve to have a job like this and we are so happy for them that they finally went for it! I hope our kids can be such e
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My mystery hen is back and brought a friend today. She only likes one nest box and it happens to be one that my hens won't lay in. I have her schedule to within two hours so I am going to try to catch her and make sure she is ok. All my layers and my renters layers now are brown layers or so young they are still in the brooder. I collected one egg from each of my hens at noon and when I went to check on everyone and the water at 1:30 I had a blue (mystery layer) and white (first time) egg in the nest box that my mystery layer uses. I have no clue where these chickens are coming from but they have to go threw woods or come down the street and hop over either a 6' or 8' chain link fence (depending on side they come in) to get to the coop and nesting box area. None of my neighbors are reporting missing eggs or eggs of those colors either.
My mystery hen is back and brought a friend today. She only likes one nest box and it happens to be one that my hens won't lay in. I have her schedule to within two hours so I am going to try to catch her and make sure she is ok. All my layers and my renters layers now are brown layers or so young they are still in the brooder. I collected one egg from each of my hens at noon and when I went to check on everyone and the water at 1:30 I had a blue (mystery layer) and white (first time) egg in the nest box that my mystery layer uses. I have no clue where these chickens are coming from but they have to go threw woods or come down the street and hop over either a 6' or 8' chain link fence (depending on side they come in) to get to the coop and nesting box area. None of my neighbors are reporting missing eggs or eggs of those colors either.

What an interesting (and generous) mystery!

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