"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Ello Peeps!
Yes, everytime so far 6 into a 12 pack! That'll teach people to leave Easter candy laying around! :gig
Well after going to tractor supply and thumbing through it I found the Phoenix breed. The example in the book was my to birds. Leave it to Ron to grab a hen and a roo. Wasn't planning on breeding them. I don't know if I'll be able to get rid of them since he wanted them but then agin he's never wanted a rooster. I guess we 'll see what happenes. Now Banty is turning broody she was on an egg not her egg all day yesterday. Today she has picked a different egg but has been on it all day.
Not that far! What type of chickens do you have?? Do you raise them for fun, processing, or breeding? Trying to meet some people in the area to talk to about the chicken disease lol :)

Lol. I have RIR, EEs, SLW, and GLW along with Mallards and Khaki Campbell ducks. I raise them for fun. They keep me busy and I enjoy their company. I have to say I can't wait until they start laying though. The eggs will be another big plus. You can message me if you like.
Happy Sunday to all. Hope you all are enjoying this nice weather! Its been a non stop schedule around here with husband, kids, chickens, gardening and soaping. Busy, busy bee. I have been praying for strength in my body and trying not to push past my limits so I can keep on top of this "to do" list. So far, so good!
Cucumbers are popping up in the garden and the potatoes have been buried a few times. Hubby is obsessed with a big potato crop this year

A few pics from the last week.......

A sweet Sizzle baby. Pretty sure its a pullet

Some pretty eggs from today.......

Jazz let me have a little bit of cuddle time
He really is a sweet guy. Watches over his girls and comes and gets mealworms from me, then gives them to his ladies, lol. Now if he would only stop crowing at 4:30 in the am!!!
He has slept in the shed the last few nights. Ahhhhhhh, peaceful mornings!

Jazzy.......lookin' snazzy.

Our little Bailey......I think this little one is a pullet also. So stinking sweet!
Hello everyone...just want introduce myself. I live in southwest Louisiana and caught the "chicken disease" over a year ago but had several trips planned etc so could not get started until about 7 weeks ago. I have six wyandottes that are 7 weeks old. I'm crazy for them! Anyway, I look forward to all the great advice and expertise you can offer. :)
Welcome! You will love it!
Hello everyone...just want introduce myself. I live in southwest Louisiana and caught the "chicken disease" over a year ago but had several trips planned etc so could not get started until about 7 weeks ago. I have six wyandottes that are 7 weeks old. I'm crazy for them! Anyway, I look forward to all the great advice and expertise you can offer. :)
Hello everyone...just want introduce myself. I live in southwest Louisiana and caught the "chicken disease" over a year ago but had several trips planned etc so could not get started until about 7 weeks ago. I have six wyandottes that are 7 weeks old. I'm crazy for them! Anyway, I look forward to all the great advice and expertise you can offer. :)

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