"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Liberally pour white vinegar where the pee is, soak it. Soak up with paper towels until won't soak up any more, then do it again until when you soak up the vinegar there is no yellow tint. Let dry. That should do it.
COOL! Thanks Prim!!! It is definitely an EWIE area!!!

So, no one answered my questions earlier... I am really interested: if the egg is pointy on one end it is a Rooster inside, if it is more rounded it is a hen inside??? Ever been found true?
COOL!  Thanks Prim!!!   It is definitely an EWIE area!!!

So, no one answered my questions earlier... I am really interested:  if the egg is pointy on one end it is a Rooster inside, if it is more rounded it is a hen inside???  Ever been found true?

I sometimes have pointy eggs and sometimes round and mine aren't fertilized.
Thank you. I am planning on setting one up before I add the eggs in. Right now I have 2 regular thermometers and 1 digital and they are all staying between 100 & 101.
Good luck, honey, I'm doing it for the first time too.  I ordered a $3 reptile temp gauge from Amazon with a probe that I plugged into a water wiggler.  It gives the most accurate reading when placed top of the eggs.  
IF (and that's a big if for me) the egg shape were to have anything to do with the sex of the chick inside (ie pointy egg=boy)......according to this linked thread the sex of the potential chick is determine by the mother. So if that IS true and IF a pointy egg is a boy, then the shape of the egg probably wouldn't be affected if it were fertilized by a rooster or not, since that wouldn't affect the sex of the chick. But I would have to experiment to see if the pointy egg thing is true.

Looking for advise. Raccoon attack in the middle of the day. Rooster fought it and now has a giant slash in his foot from the top of the toes all the way to the ankle. I soaked the foot in honey water for about 15 min and put band aids on it to keep the skin flap in place. It is still bleeding a little but not nearly as much as before. His comb is still bright red. He won't go back out until he is fully healed so no worries about pecking. Ligaments are still good as he is still trying to walk around as if nothing had happened. All other injuries are small and non punctured. Anything else I should or could do to help him?
Looking for advise. Raccoon attack in the middle of the day. Rooster fought it and now has a giant slash in his foot from the top of the toes all the way to the ankle. I soaked the foot in honey water for about 15 min and put band aids on it to keep the skin flap in place. It is still bleeding a little but not nearly as much as before. His comb is still bright red. He won't go back out until he is fully healed so no worries about pecking. Ligaments are still good as he is still trying to walk around as if nothing had happened. All other injuries are small and non punctured. Anything else I should or could do to help him?
Since it is on his foot, my biggest concern would be keeping it clean and free of infection. It sounds like it will heal perfectly fine if kept clean.
I think, in an area with less dirt and sand, like grassy or even hay covered flooring for a few days is what I would recommend... Then blue cote it when the bleeding stops and keep him as less active as possible for a few days.
Since it is on his foot, my biggest concern would be keeping it clean and free of infection. It sounds like it will heal perfectly fine if kept clean.
Do you think he will need any antibiotics? I tried my best to clean it but some spots would make him bleed more that's why I opted for the soak.
Looking for advise. Raccoon attack in the middle of the day. Rooster fought it and now has a giant slash in his foot from the top of the toes all the way to the ankle. I soaked the foot in honey water for about 15 min and put band aids on it to keep the skin flap in place. It is still bleeding a little but not nearly as much as before. His comb is still bright red. He won't go back out until he is fully healed so no worries about pecking. Ligaments are still good as he is still trying to walk around as if nothing had happened. All other injuries are small and non punctured. Anything else I should or could do to help him?

What a very good boy. Oh, my. Big hugs to him. So glad he looks like he came out of it ok.
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