"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I don't mind...nor seeing myself later chasing chickens or being a human traffic cone or winning an argument with an SUV :) I've picked a wedgie, had to strip due to ant attack, eat 13 times a shift :gig they want cams around they gotta take the bad with the good :lau

I bet they thought that strip tease as the good!!! Lol!:ya
What happened with the pit bull craked? Pam
Husband and I are disagreeing right now. Neighbor called husband crying (literally) about "everything" going on in his life (ie wife leaving, kid trouble, etc). My husband thinks I should "wait a bit" because of the "fallout" that will happen (ie poisoning, vandalism, unexplained "things" happening, etc.). Needless to say ours is not a happy home at the moment. I go out of town for a week on Tuesday. When I get back into town, husband and I will have to come t a decision about the plan of action. I also let him know that if one of our animals gets killed by it before then.......
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Husband and I are disagreeing right now. Neighbor called husband crying (literally) about "everything" going on in his life (ie wife leaving, kid trouble, etc). My husband thinks I should "wait a bit" because of the "fallout" that will happen (ie poisoning, vandalism, unexplained "things" happening, etc.). Needless to say ours is not a happy home at the moment. I go out of town for a week on Tuesday. When I get back into town, husband and I will have to come t a decision about the plan of action. I also let him know that if one of our animals gets killed by it before then.......
I must have missed this. What is going on with a pit?
I have been busy with the kids, birthdays every weekend, the rain, the garden, and chick preparation. I just logged on and had 12 pages to catch up on. I had to skip to the end. Haha. Our chicks will be here next week, and I have everything prepared except for the run. I'm not super rushed since they babies will be in my house for a while first. Exciting!
Husband and I are disagreeing right now.  Neighbor called husband crying (literally)  about "everything" going on in his life (ie wife leaving, kid trouble, etc).  My husband thinks I should "wait a bit" because of the "fallout" that will happen (ie poisoning, vandalism, unexplained "things" happening, etc.).  Needless to say ours is not a happy home at the moment.  I go out of town for a week on Tuesday.  When I get back into town, husband and I will have to come t a decision about the plan of action.  I also let him know that if one of our animals gets killed by it before then.......

I think when the neighbor called crying was an opportunity for him to talk about the dog! He should have brought up everything the dog had done and said your going to have more to cry about if some one or anyone's animal gets hurt. That he needs to fix this with training or rehome whatever. that he can fix this before he has more to cry about. He can't controll his wife etc. but this is something he can controll. Sorry about typo's I'm on my phone .Pam

With all this rain, the mosquitos are out with a vengeance! I'm absolutely covered in bites. I would stop working outside and could hear the buzzing around me. It seemed like they were everywhere. I'm planning on mowing the barn area, because every time you step in grass higher than a few inches a whole swarm of mosquitos fly out. In addition to already having to start refilling waterers twice a day due to the heat, anytime I refill I have to dump the whole container out to kill larvae. Not easy with the way our stalls are designed and how we partially bury our containers to keep them from being moved.

In good news I drove to pick up feed today and got a gift. 40 ears of sweet corn!
I couldn't help myself and ate an ear on the way home. Needless to say it was absolutely delicious, and I have four ears cooking right now.

While I'm not completely new at chickens, I'm definitely still learning, and so I have a question for you guys. I've become interested in the diets of my chickens, and am wondering if I can make things a little easier for myself. I have sweet feed, cracked corn, and whole oats for my horses and cows. What of the previous can I mix with other things and give my chickens? I did a puny amount of research and read that cracked corn is a hot feed, so I want to avoid that during the summer months. I also saw that due to the amount of molasses in sweet feed it should be given sparingly. I found mixed reviews on whole oats. Some said the old timers swore by it as a way of finishing birds and getting them in show conditions, while others said they contain too much fiber. It helps with reducing the fat on your birds, apparently. Any thoughts?

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