"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

So glad he is ok!!!
Update on the rooster: I have put some blu kote on there to prevent infection (Got my fingers and toes too), vet wrapped it, and put him in the chick run. He managed to get one of the two band aids off last night but the remaining one held enough for the wound to stick together. He is not feverish but is PO'ed about not being near his girls. He started crowing non stop in the house before I put the gauze and vet wrap on. He is walking and scratching like nothing happened so I take that as a good sign. His comb is still bright though he is not eating because he is so busy trying to get out to his hens. Thank you all for your help both here and on FB. I am hoping for a speedy recovery. He is going to have to travel with me for a few days as I don't trust my caregiver to replace the bandages regularly.
Lost one of my EE pullets today. Think she got too hot. Checked her from head to toe and everywhere in between no injuries or signs of infection. Found her just laying around so I have her some electrolytes in a dropper because she was that weak. I even checked her poop and no unusual signs there either. After about 4 hours she quit breathing after she looked to be getting stronger and I thought she would make it. :(
With all this rain, the mosquitos are out with a vengeance! I'm absolutely covered in bites. I would stop working outside and could hear the buzzing around me. It seemed like they were everywhere. I'm planning on mowing the barn area, because every time you step in grass higher than a few inches a whole swarm of mosquitos fly out. In addition to already having to start refilling waterers twice a day due to the heat, anytime I refill I have to dump the whole container out to kill larvae. Not easy with the way our stalls are designed and how we partially bury our containers to keep them from being moved.

In good news I drove to pick up feed today and got a gift. 40 ears of sweet corn!
I couldn't help myself and ate an ear on the way home. Needless to say it was absolutely delicious, and I have four ears cooking right now.

While I'm not completely new at chickens, I'm definitely still learning, and so I have a question for you guys. I've become interested in the diets of my chickens, and am wondering if I can make things a little easier for myself. I have sweet feed, cracked corn, and whole oats for my horses and cows. What of the previous can I mix with other things and give my chickens? I did a puny amount of research and read that cracked corn is a hot feed, so I want to avoid that during the summer months. I also saw that due to the amount of molasses in sweet feed it should be given sparingly. I found mixed reviews on whole oats. Some said the old timers swore by it as a way of finishing birds and getting them in show conditions, while others said they contain too much fiber. It helps with reducing the fat on your birds, apparently. Any thoughts?

As long as you can get a protein % up to 18 or so you can mix it. Corn has about 9% and I believe sweet feed might be a tad more. Look on the sack. Whole oats that are fed to cattle and horses is a zip for me. I have a 50 # bag of race horse triple washed and they won't touch it. I tried soaking it for days, and sprouting it. Nada. Oats has about 12% I think and it has to be hull less. Two different kinds of oats. Reg oats has the really thick shell and hull less has a soft one that the chickens adore. I don't know if I can get it. Maybe through Azure. I'd mix 1 part corn, 1 part sweet feed and 2 or 3 parts grower feed. Does this help at all?
Another way to tick off a rooster... I bought one of those dog harnesses and a leash for when we travel together. He likes the harness but pecks the leash. He can still fly great in it though. Never thought I would be walking a chicken!
Lost one of my EE pullets today. Think she got too hot. Checked her from head to toe and everywhere in between no injuries or signs of infection. Found her just laying around so I have her some electrolytes in a dropper because she was that weak. I even checked her poop and no unusual signs there either. After about 4 hours she quit breathing after she looked to be getting stronger and I thought she would make it.
Sorry to hear about you loosing your EE, It very well could be heat related.
As long as you can get a protein % up to 18 or so you can mix it. Corn has about 9% and I believe sweet feed might be a tad more. Look on the sack. Whole oats that are fed to cattle and horses is a zip for me. I have a 50 # bag of race horse triple washed and they won't touch it. I tried soaking it for days, and sprouting it. Nada. Oats has about 12% I think and it has to be hull less. Two different kinds of oats. Reg oats has the really thick shell and hull less has a soft one that the chickens adore. I don't know if I can get it. Maybe through Azure. I'd mix 1 part corn, 1 part sweet feed and 2 or 3 parts grower feed. Does this help at all?
Thanks for the reply! I'll double check my oats, but I'm pretty sure they're whole. Dang. My sweet feed is a 12%, and I checked the cracked corn and it's 8%. I think the thing I'll have to watch with the sweet feed is that it has 18% fiber, which is pretty darn high. The highest fiber I've seen on any store feed is around 7%, so I'm going to have to mix the sweet feed sparingly, maybe add it every other day. I think it will help a little bit at least.
Just got an email from the man who's building my coop to say it is complete and I literally feel like it its Christmas! I am beyond excited! Who knew it would be so rewarding? I don't care if I never get an egg....I love this chicken stuff!

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