"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Sorry to hear about you loosing your EE, It very well could be heat related.

I"ve had that happen once with an EE several years ago. She just seemed to be hotter natured than the rest. IDK because 1/2 of my flock is EEs & the rest are fine - in fact, my oldest hen is an EE.

Thanks. I am sure hoping it is just heat related and not some type of contagious sickness. I am still taking precautions and giving them all electrolytes in their water for the next few days. All of them seem to be acting fine for now. But I know how quickly a sickness can come on so I have been checking on them as often as possible and inspecting them to hopefully catch any odd behaviors as soon as possible.
On the bright side my incubator has been doing wonderful for the past few days so once the eggs from today are gathered I will be putting about 18 eggs in. Hopefully around 21 days from now I will have at least 10 chicks, don't want to shoot too high and get disappointed.
They have only just begun! I mulched with oak leaves, prunings from themselves and rabbitry waste hay and am getting Pink, Blue, Purple and white blooms. Love the mixed array of color. All pink gets blah to me, tho I do love all baby blue too.
i love the baby blue and purple!! what conditions do they grow well in? Sun, shade, etc..
Another way to tick off a rooster... I bought one of those dog harnesses and a leash for when we travel together. He likes the harness but pecks the leash. He can still fly great in it though. Never thought I would be walking a chicken!

I did this with a cat on a few vacations. At first hated the harness. When on vacation she liked it. She felt safer with it on. Hopefully your rooster will do the same. Pam
Just got an email from the man who's building my coop to say it is complete and I literally feel like it its Christmas!  I am beyond excited!  Who knew it would be so rewarding?  I don't care if I never get an egg....I love this chicken stuff!

You might eat those words or eggs. Lol!! In about 4 months you'll be looking for eggs every day. You'll post a pic of your first egg we all do! Lol!!!

Beautiful! I have hydrangeas too -- love the range of colors -- I add a little aluminum sulfate to them to deepen the blue/purple shade of color.
Noticed this morning my cannas are starting to bloom. Love this time of year! I finally figured out how to take pics w/my cell phone but now I need to figure out how to download them!
Bunny nap time! This is the mama of the 1st pedigree litter we've had here :) She's an awesome Mama (she is the great grandbaby of one of Celies does :) )


We are ordering a tattoo kit...because well its getting serious now :lau and I have OCD about my record keeping and one mishap of mixing up litters could make us have to start from square one and that would be devastating to me :( . So, I'm scared to death of this "stamping" tattoo but we decided after weeks of serious research it was the quickest, most effective and every demo I watched and a customer "stamp tattooed 2 of his for me- seemed like the least distressful way on the rabbits because its quiet and quick. :th but still scared...

You'll do fine. They do this to show Shepard's too. They tattoo them in the ear. It won't hurt as much as their bite. Pam

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