"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

+1 on the Barbezieux flightiness.
I'll be weighing and banding mine soon and am not looking forward to it. I think it will be best to do at night when I can take them off the roosts.
3 silkies hatched soo far. 1 black 2 blues. One is a little darker

Certainly not going to go 'Bloody Mary' and start beheading them all haha! Seeing as how I rent rather than own I won't be able to dig a trench and bury the mesh. I have to keep my coop plans fairly nonpermanent and moveable if needed. Is there any other way to deter digging animals other than digging a trench.

It all depends on where you are as to what predator issues you may have. I do not have the skirt buried around mine and have had no problems with digging predators. I do lock mine in the coop at night though.
My first chicks (well, they were supposed to be for my kid, but...) were just mixed breed, straight run from a neighbor. I still have them and they are some of my best. I have now added heritage and rare breeds. They are all different personalities and a joy to have. Some like to be held others want to follow me everywhere, but not be touched, others just want feed and left alone. I like the mixture.
Beware of chicken math!!!!
I started with 4, now have 34 that will remain here, 20 that are going to freezer camp and 55 eggs between incubators and broodies. Do I have a problem???
"Someone" told me to only count the little numbers and not add them all up, but I couldn't help myself :)
x2 on starting small and inexpensive. We still have two of our original flock, a feed store australorp and a mix. The australorp is my daughter's favorite. I started with 5, had 97 at one point last summer, and now I've got 18 in the camp coop and a "few" of my own. ;)
Hey y'all! Thibodaux area here! Glad to see this post!
We have 31 chickens and a pig. Hatching some chicks too!

Hey everyone. Here is an update on my babies. My BBC Ameraucanas at 10 days old. They are jumpy little things. LOL

I am going to put them in the big brooder as soon as all this rain and cool weather pass. It is on my back porch which is fully covered and has a lot more space. I made it out of an old wood toybox that my neighbor was throwing away. I had my husband cut a hole in top and we put hardware cloth on it. I think they will love having more room to run around. I have had a couple of the chicks peck at my finger in a fighting way when I stuck my hand in there and that was when they were three days old. Cracks me up! He was gonna take me out! LOL
Beware of chicken math!!!!
I started with 4, now have 34 that will remain here, 20 that are going to freezer camp and 55 eggs between incubators and broodies. Do I have a problem???

"Someone" told me to only count the little numbers and not add them all up, but I couldn't help myself :)

:lau i actualy broke my own rule, but its okay cuz im down to a mere 36! 5 of those are roos planned for freezer camp, 19 are chicks in various stages of growth.

Hey y'all! Thibodaux area here! Glad to see this post!
We have 31 chickens and a pig. Hatching some chicks too!

:welcome :frow Glad to have you! My Grandpa lives in Thibodaux! Do you keep specific breeds or just laying hens or meat birds?! Whatcha hatching?! :D :yiipchick :love

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