"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

The stores get the chicks vent sexed, or if a barred bird can judge based on chick color. Vent sexing is about 90% effective, and chick color in barred birds can be difficult to judge sometimes. It's the luck of the draw sadly
Your 11 week old Rocks look more developed than my 20 week old Rocks... I agree they are looking pretty roo-ish to me.

Fellow Chicken herders, I am a little worried about one of my Rocks. When I got them a few weeks ago I noticed no difference in my two rocks wattles, but now my lowest pecking ordered Rock barely even has any wattles. And the little amount that she has is very pale while my other Rock is starting to get a lot of color.

Do any of yall think this is disease related or a pecking order thing? Or is this something different?

They are approximately 20 weeks old. I'll try and get pictures of the two for reference later this afternoon.
Fellow Chicken herders, I am a little worried about one of my Rocks. When I got them a few weeks ago I noticed no difference in my two rocks wattles, but now my lowest pecking ordered Rock barely even has any wattles. And the little amount that she has is very pale while my other Rock is starting to get a lot of color.

Do any of yall think this is disease related or a pecking order thing? Or is this something different?

They are approximately 20 weeks old. I'll try and get pictures of the two for reference later this afternoon.

Here are pictures of the one that's doing well vs the one that has lost color. Do y'all think she is okay?
View attachment 1034938 View attachment 1034939

Here are pictures of the one that's doing well vs the one that has lost color. Do y'all think she is okay?

Eyes look clear and alert, hard to tell anything else. Check her keel to make sure she's eating enough. Is she acting lethargic or droopy?

Hi everyone new to the chicken world just got my first flock 6 weeks ago today and enjoying every bit of it

Welcome! Tell us about your flock!
well as I said before this is my first flock I had been wanting to get chickens for over a year and had doing all kinds of research which is how I found this place and well as my husband said I pulled the trigger on it back in March I had been waiting on him to build a coop for me before I got them wasn't working so I got them and he had no choice but to get the coop done

I have 4 buff orpingtons
the one in my profile pic is my roo Hermes then there is Athena, Persephone and Tiny

2 Black Australorps
Aphrodite and Selene

and last but not least 2 White Plymouth Rocks
Snow White and Backup (the hubby named her)
Eyes look clear and alert, hard to tell anything else. Check her keel to make sure she's eating enough. Is she acting lethargic or droopy?

She is definitely the lowest chicken in hte pecking order but besides that, she seems fine. They get along most of the time but occasionally get into little skirmishes. No other signs of anything besides the fact that her wattle is so much less colored and lacking any size. She eats well and they free range all day in the yard. I do see her eating her pellets as well as food scraps.

Hoping I am worried about nothing but I was just checking to make sure things are fine!

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