"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

well as I said before this is my first flock I had been wanting to get chickens for over a year and had doing all kinds of research which is how I found this place and well as my husband said I pulled the trigger on it back in March I had been waiting on him to build a coop for me before I got them wasn't working so I got them and he had no choice but to get the coop done

I have 4 buff orpingtons
the one in my profile pic is my roo Hermes then there is Athena, Persephone and Tiny

2 Black Australorps
Aphrodite and Selene

and last but not least 2 White Plymouth Rocks
Snow White and Backup (the hubby named her)

Sounds like a great flock! I'm super jealous. I wish I could have more than 3. Would love to have a flock of 8 or so.
well don't be too jealous we are fixing to down size I only got 8 cuz I ordered mine online and so I ordered the minimum I could get to in sure that they got to me safely which is why we go dual purpose chicks but we are talking bout moving to a more country setting but I doubt that will happen soon enough to where we don't have to process half of them one thing for sure my roo and one of each breed is safe but we want to get out of Kenner soooo bad there are too many stupid rules in general in this city
With the storm coming thru our area in the next few days I hope everyone is prepped for the worst just in case. I'm hoping we don't have awful floods again but at the first sign of standing water I am moving my hens under my patio.

Anyone else worried about the rain coming in this week?

We hurried and got the coop's roof on yesterday in anticipation of the rain and wind. The brooder should be protected from the storm for now, and is three feet off the ground. We didn't flood in August but just in case the chicks are safe. Once the rain stops we'll be starting on the roof of the runs.

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