"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

You might check with the feed store at Barkers corners. I met a lady that works there part-time and she had just gotten a dwarf goat. Made me want one too. I had two Nubian milk goats once. No milk. I'm pretty sure you have to have a billy around to get milk. They were a lot of fun. Thought they were dogs.
Not as much fun as a new baby though. Congratulations.
My sizzle flock is doing great. I would love to post pictures if I could figure out how from my IPad. They are very photogenic.
Don't forget my coop. Then you will have more money to buy the goats.
A nanny goat has to have a baby goat before the mammary glands get any milk! a Billy goat will never give milk and can't get pregnant
But you don't want to be downwind of any billy goat when he is in the mood and a female is around!

Anyway, good luck on all of your BLESSINGS, your new offspring, the goats, you will probably be milking is you bought a pair, and the nice incubator, you will most likely get addicted to !! LOL
Hi there LA Layers! I've been "stalking" this thread, but not commenting much lately. I always get a laugh out of everyone's posts. And I have some nice looking Doms I got from Mike that are really looking good.
I have a sister that lives in Washington right off I-49. I go down there a couple of times a year to visit. I've got 5 Speckled Sussex hens and lost my rooster recently to a fox. Does anyone in that area or on or close to I-49 have one they'd like to sell me? I could pick it up on one of my trips.
Hi there LA Layers! I've been "stalking" this thread, but not commenting much lately. I always get a laugh out of everyone's posts. And I have some nice looking Doms I got from Mike that are really looking good.
I have a sister that lives in Washington right off I-49. I go down there a couple of times a year to visit. I've got 5 Speckled Sussex hens and lost my rooster recently to a fox. Does anyone in that area or on or close to I-49 have one they'd like to sell me? I could pick it up on one of my trips.

BayouPoules has some Speckled Sussex shes in Lacombe which is not near Washington but you could always opt for a road trip, maybe, and see more of the deep swampy south while in town, LOL

there maybe others on here that have some but I don't recollect them right off. anyway that's 'bout all I could help with

BayouPoules has some Speckled Sussex shes in Lacombe which is not near Washington but you could always opt for a road trip, maybe, and see more of the deep swampy south while in town, LOL

there maybe others on here that have some but I don't recollect them right off. anyway that's 'bout all I could help with

Thank you, Jeff. I will try to contact her. Not sure where Lacombe is but I'll look it up.
UPDATE: Just looked it up and a little out of the way. Hopefully someone else can help. No one around me has any. Thanks again, Jeff.
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I was wondering if anyone in South Louisiana (I am just outside of Baton Rouge) has any Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hens for sale? I would be interested in birds of any age, chicks, dinosaurs, or adults. I had five and slowly lost them all, except one rooster, too a raccoon. I have covered their tractor in hardware cloth and I'm ready to get him some girlfriends. Here he is, doesn't he look studly? Here he is looking lonely in his new preditor proof pen
New2thecoop....Brandy (aka TBJumper) is where I got my blue laced from. She is the one that coordinates he Covington sale. Come on over this way next month! :D if you let her know what you want she could probably set something aside for you.

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