Loveable Chicken Jerks


Aug 16, 2020
We all have that one chicken that is nice but mean. They are nice to people, but mean to the others, or mean to people and nice to the others. You are never quite sure how you feel about them, but they do add something to the flock.

Personally, for me, that's Sunny. Buff Orpington pullet, snuggly, sweet, floofy as all get out, and an absolute jerk to her fellow chickens.

She loves people, and sits in my lap for snuggles, but is so mean to other chickens! My other Buff Orps have been mellow and submissive. My Lavender Orps are too. So why is she such a jerk? She steps on others when they dustbathe, steals their food, and pecks others that are sitting in my lap when she wants up. She's an evil little munchkin, but I love her, and wouldn't give her up for anything.

So in honor of Sunny, show me your loveable jerks.
( I'll try for pictures soon, but she doesn't hold still often either.)
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I think today's winner is Black Tie Affair, a tiny serama who ripped a hole out of a young gamefowl pullet today for absolutely no reason. :mad: She's on my bad bird list today lol.

The game pullet is already bigger than her. Does she care? No.
I think today's winner is Black Tie Affair, a tiny serama who ripped a hole out of a young gamefowl pullet today for absolutely no reason. :mad: She's on my bad bird list today lol.

The game pullet is already bigger than her. Does she care? No.
Sunny doesn't really attempt to hurt someone, she just bulldozes. If she is intent on something, she will do anything to get it, sometimes in the process stomping on someone else.

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