Lovely Frizzle turned into an ugly Tyson


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 2, 2008
Tyson is 2 years old and was ravaged by a large rooster it was like she was his main squeeze and her feathers are gone she has been like this for about a year, how do I get the feathers to grow back any help

Thank you for the information, I will try this in 4 days as my isolation pen has a hen breed unknown that survived a major weasel attack this spring, my son and four other guys finally captured her, my son brought her home and we put her in the pen so she will acclimate to the group.

Are you positive you don't have a FRAZZLE vs a frizzle??

I got frazzles from a hatchery about 2 yrs ago. I was ordering frizzles but heard after I made the purchase, that hatcheries don't monitor the parents so if two curly feathered parents mate together you could get a frazzle

Bummer for me. My hens look like yours most of the time ...
See my photos on my blog:

"stick wings" on your bird are just like my hens. They don't feather in because the feathers are too brittle.

Just my thoughts...

I was questioning whether this was a frazzle as well. I think it's certainly a possibility. If it's a frazzle, the bird will never hold full feather but instead be covered in mostly feather shafts/quills, kinda porcupine like.
We got her from Tractor Supply so who knows although she was just fine until the Arcana? rooster (Crazy Karl) chumed up with her, I also have a black frizzeled hen who is an Arcana? cross with a cochin and has no feathers on her shoulders.
May be too much rooster loving or maybe she just had her first good molt and that's what she has now. Time will tell. I recently came into ownership of a white rooster who was absolutely FUGLY. I was told he was a frizzle. He looked like he had a fight with electric hair clippers. They said he had been picked on a lot by a more dominant roo. He has gained more feathering back but he doesn't have typical feathers. He may be a frazzle or a frizzled silkie something or other. Dunno.
I have a little Frizzle roo that I thought was hopeless looking, too, and I kept him isolated in a cage in the garage for several weeks to let him grow some feathers out as he only had spiky shafts and bare red skin, and he did feather out. Might try it. I also upped his protein by feeding him game bird feed rather than the layer feed he had been eating with his ladies.
I've never done an isolation/forced molt. She should just grow them back if taken away from the rooster. And if she's been that way for a year she should have naturally done at least one molt in that time.
You can tell that the bird is not a frizzle. If she were a frazzle then her feathers would be very narrow and brittle looking. You can see her feathers on her shoulders and on her body and they are not frazzled feathers, she just looks like she has been the favorite to one of the roosters. Give her time and she will get better, and this is the time of year for birds to moult as well, so you may not have to stress her to much to get her to start dropping feathers. Good luck with her.


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