Lovely Frizzle turned into an ugly Tyson

Mr. Ree :

You can tell that the bird is not a frizzle. If she were a frazzle then her feathers would be very narrow and brittle looking. You can see her feathers on her shoulders and on her body and they are not frazzled feathers, she just looks like she has been the favorite to one of the roosters. Give her time and she will get better, and this is the time of year for birds to moult as well, so you may not have to stress her to much to get her to start dropping feathers. Good luck with her.



Hi Casey:

Just curious ..
what about the "stick" wings on wisconsinjimmy's photos?

I have a white hen that has beautiful looking feathers throughout the body ... not the tight and curly, or super thin frazzle looking feathers ... yet my white hen always has a bare or almost bare neck and has the "stick" wings too.

My true beautiful Frizzles, 15 yrs ago, had fully feathered wings.

Again, just looking for education...

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