Low hen being excessively bullied by top hen

Sometimes if a chicken pen isnt big enough, birds will bully. Pen expansion helps alot. Bullying also happens at the feeder, adding one or two extra feeders in different areas in the pens takes care of that problem.
I think I have enough space. I have 7 chickens (6 hens and 1 roo). Coop is 47 sf, run is about 164 sf. 3 feeders, one of which is in the seg area.

When Little comes out of segregation, I'm going to rearrange the "furniture" in the run.
My silkie black bantam roosters had the same problem, my other rooster who is a white rock had been bleeding all over a lot of times when I went down to check on his head and around his face.
The small silkies all ganged up on him and kept getting him even more injured.

I decided when they did it again to get rid of them, I took them to my property and let them loose, they loved it and stayed there the night. The next day, I went out with some water and they were still thriving! After about a week, they disappeared.

I was sad, but when we hatched chicks, there was some baby bantams from the roosters!!

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