Lowell Barber BLRW eggs FS in GA Ship 14th and 22nd

You got it
I just put them together so I am waiting for 3 weeks before I attempt to hatch any babies. I am just about to bust to see what I get!!!!
No money

Lovely birds! I WILL get in touch with you someday
Do keep us posted on that Orp project
Sigh. I wish I had the money too!

I'll be interested in seeing how your BLROrp project goes. I had briefly thought of doing that too, but I have too much going on! I even have a nice splash single comb BLRW pullet I could have used. Did you get a single comb roo?

-Cindy in MA
Yes, my roo has a single comb. He is quite nice and the hens I chose are real nice as well so i am excited to see how this goes!
Yes, my roo has a single comb. He is quite nice and the hens I chose are real nice as well so i am excited to see how this goes!

I've been contemplating doing the same kind of thing. I've got a couple of BLRW hens that have single combs and if I can figure out a place to put them I'd like to put them with one of my orp roos.

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