Lucky Pickens Bantam Cochins

I want to chime in as well. I have had wonderful, understanding commuications with this lovely lady. My first order from her had all clears except 2. The reason for this is unclear if it was the p.o. that caused this or other reasons. I did not expect replacements as I'm well aware of the usual poor hatchability of shipped eggs. But Roslyn offered to replace them willingly. Of the 2 eggs, that were developing under a pullet, were deserted not once but twice, and I knew they were goners. But they were stuck in the incubator anyway. Tonight I heard peeping for both of them! Amazing.

I'm very impressed with this lady and would recommend her to anyone that wants nice Cochins. She will treat you right and provide you with beautiful children.
Can't believe I found this thread! I just bought 6 Bantam Silver Laced Cochins on Ebay from Lucky Pickins. Not having known about LPF, I read everything once I found them on Ebay. I had high expectations from just going to their web site, FB page, and the write up on the Ebay auction. With all of your testimonials, I'm even more excited for the eggs to come!!! Only problem's making it even harder not to order 6 of the mixed

I bought splash, silver laced, blue and black mottleds, and calicos in the past.

This time I got blue calicos, calicos, frizzled calicos.

Her pic on ebay of the box and wrapped eggs was my order. This order was exactly the same and arrived perfectly!
I bought splash, silver laced, blue and black mottleds, and calicos in the past.

This time I got blue calicos, calicos, frizzled calicos.

Her pic on ebay of the box and wrapped eggs was my order. This order was exactly the same and arrived perfectly!

This is not helping my Chicken Math, or my obsession! lol I've already ordered some Lemon Blue and some Frizzles. Can't wait to get them!
Well, I've gone and done it. My beautiful, perfect Bantam Silver Laced hatching eggs arrived today. That's less than 36 hrs traveling time! In the mean time, I ordered 6 Bantam Lemon Splash Cochins and 6 Frizzles. I'm so excited! Thanks so much, Roslyn. I'll be proud to show friends and family the beautiful little chickens that come from these eggs!

My Picken eggs are hatching right now. Woke up to 1 chick this morning and many more peeping! I had hens hatch mine so when I get home tonight... im settin up the baby brooder!

5 of my 6 other eggs hatched last night
Wow! Congratulations, Mindylee!!! Such fun. will you post pictures when you can? I'll be setting my Pickins eggs today. It's going to feel like a very long 21 days but I'm sure at the end I'll have a bunch of little Silver Laced running around the brooder. I was wondering if I should try and put the chicklets with one of their mothers and see what happens. They're both very sweet and Orpingtons are known to be broody. I might just give it a try!

Let me know how your hatch comes out today!

I wouldn't as even tho they can be sweet hens, they also might kill and eat them.I take my chicks away soon as they turn fluffy as hens might fight over them and accidentally kill then the blood will turn them crazy for more.
Its not worth it to me to take that chance. But thats me. My girls are awesome mommas but I usually have a doz-2 doz broodies at once so I cant take that risk.
As of 7pm I have 12 chicks in brooder, 2 wet under hen, 1 trying to hatch and 10 eggs peeping.
Ill try and post pics if this phone will let me.
You're going to be busy for awhile!
You make a good point. I know other people that have hatched hatchery chicks then given them to broody hens to raise. I guess there's no perfect way, unless the hen is sitting on her own eggs and than you watch her in case she abandons them or goes after them. I haven't had a broody hen step up to the plate to sit on eggs. Maybe one day.

The state vet was out today and we passed our NPIP certification. Yay! The vet was great, the birds not all that enthusiastic about giving blood. Can't blame them.

Happy hatching!

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